[BLOG] Low End Mac users stuck on plain old leopard??

MacRumors is reporting that the end might be near for all of us Apple enthusiasts who are unable to upgrade to a fancy new intel mac. The latest build of OS X 10.6 "Snow Leopard" seeded to developers will make the Power PC emulation tool Rosetta an optional install. This feeds into the rumor that Snow Leopard will not be able to run on all of those G5's, G4's, or in my case G3's that we have here to fore been able to keep chugging along. Now granted, my 500 mhz G3 ibook is not the speediest laptop in the world, and I had no expectations of running the new os, but my G4 Mini is still plenty viable, and I am quite upset at this news. Let me know if you are too...
ps, anyone out there have a 9 year old laptop running Vista? One that originally came with windows 98 or me? We can swap screenshots.
Thus the problem with old Mac's, they just don't die, they serve their purpose for many many years after their best before date
So totally agreed, troll - they keep going and going - I had an iBook (the "icebook" G3) that was in service for 6 years - and it still edited SD video!