[BLOG] The Philosophers go nightstalking

Tonight my son Perry wanted to come with me; we left at 1am.
He said we were a club called The Philosophers. I'm down with that. We put our hoods up and said we were the nightstalkers; seekers of truth; druids; one with the winds; warriors; travellers.
It was very cold and windy, unseasonably so. Yet onward we marched, into the biting gusts.
It's funny, I JUST start doing the first physical activity I've done in years, and already the peanut gallery (*looks at Komete
) says that "a midnight stroll" isn't going to do anything for me.
Bah, whatever; I'm not doing this for you. I've got my own reasons, and I know this: Walking a mile, jogging 1/8th of a mile right now, at the shape I'm in, is far far better than doing what I would normally do: Sit at this computer.
At any rate, we stalked the night, we talked philosophy and nature, and before I knew it, I was ready to run. I ran half a block again, and it hurt slightly less and I was slightly less burning-in-the-legs when I stopped. I think a week or two of this, and I'll be ready to increase the distance up to maybe a 1/4 mile. We'll see.
And yes, fatcat, I drank a shit ton of water today. **** you

He said we were a club called The Philosophers. I'm down with that. We put our hoods up and said we were the nightstalkers; seekers of truth; druids; one with the winds; warriors; travellers.
It was very cold and windy, unseasonably so. Yet onward we marched, into the biting gusts.
It's funny, I JUST start doing the first physical activity I've done in years, and already the peanut gallery (*looks at Komete

Bah, whatever; I'm not doing this for you. I've got my own reasons, and I know this: Walking a mile, jogging 1/8th of a mile right now, at the shape I'm in, is far far better than doing what I would normally do: Sit at this computer.
At any rate, we stalked the night, we talked philosophy and nature, and before I knew it, I was ready to run. I ran half a block again, and it hurt slightly less and I was slightly less burning-in-the-legs when I stopped. I think a week or two of this, and I'll be ready to increase the distance up to maybe a 1/4 mile. We'll see.
And yes, fatcat, I drank a shit ton of water today. **** you

And fatcat's right, lotsa water through the day makes a massive difference. I have a water bottle with me at all times of the day, constantly slugging the stuff down.
Glad day 2 went well!
It started out with me walking home from work. Then one day I tried to jog as far as I could, which turned out to be a couple of blocks before I thought I was going to die.
After a week or two, I could jog about 5 blocks, then walk 5, then jog 5. After another week or so, I was able to jog 10 blocks without stopping. Now I'm up to about 36 blocks non-stop.
Just make sure to make it a regular thing, slowly increase the distance and rest for a few days in between longer runs and walks to help your muscles heal.
10 seconds, a minute, a mile.
Just push yourself a little farther every day, and success will come. I guarantee it.
//EDIT: I should mention that my mom lost over 70 pounds through walking and dietary changes.
Take note that with dietary changes you don't have to deprive yourself of everything. Just this week I lost probably 10 pounds (not sure -- I don't fixate on weight but rather on how my clothes fit me and how sexy I look -- you should probably use a scale though so you can objectively track your results). Ever since I broke up with my GF I seem to have gotten into better shape. I guess my girl really just made changes to my lifestyle that made me gain weight. Now that I'm single again I am all of a sudden in better shape than I was for the past 2 years.
And this is with me still eating ice cream, chocolate and the occasional potato chip. My mom saw me this morning as I went out for a morning walk and commented that I really looked a lot thinner. However I still have pretty healthy eating habits despite binging on "bad" stuff like that. I eat a lot of oatmeal (and I love it -- I add sugar though), I drink a ton of water and I avoid eating red meat fats and sparingly eat red meat. I eat just a few veggies and fruits a day. Two days ago I had 3 slices of pizza and Shakey's Mojo's. Yesterday I had curry. It's not exactly a nutritionist's diet. But despite that I've been losing weight just on this and doing yoga and taking a walk about thrice a week for the past two weeks.
Enjoy the process Prime! It's easier than it sounds. I think that's one thing you should keep in mind: you shouldn't be thinking of this as punishing yourself. You're not gonna last that way. You need to enjoy the process. Think of your end goal -- ****ing those hot, sexy women, and just think of this as a step towards that goal. The more you feel good about this, the more effective it will be for you.