[BLOG] 15 pounds in a week
Well this is my first blog entry on Icrontic. Seeing Primesuspect's struggle with his weight really motivated me, especially since I've been gearing myself to lose weight for the past week as well.
Sometimes I don't know what is happening, but here is the very surprising thing: I took out the scales today after reading Prime's blog, and found that I had just lost about 15 pounds. I tipped it at 175, and last month I when I donated some blood to the Red Cross I was still at about 190 (192 I think). I felt it was time I started recording my odyssey as well, as Prime has been motivating me with his efforts, I felt maybe my story can also motivate him and others here in the community.
What exactly happened that I lost 15 pounds in a month? It's not even in a month's time -- more like a week I think, since the changes to my life happened just last week, and I wasn't losing anything for the weeks following my Red Cross donation.
The root of it all goes back to what happened about two months ago. I fell for another woman while I was still in a relationship with my girlfriend. The details of it are in a post in the Icrontic Pub, so I won't go into too much detail. But basically, at first I didn't take much action, but about a month back I started to seriously consider my current relationship and what it all meant. So on the 24th of March, I really seriously began to consider this new girl as a potential new life partner and thoughts of it really began to pervade all my waking moments.
Long story short, last week, on April Fool's day, my girl invited me over to her place, and when I got there she wondered why I looked so sad. I tried to avoid her line of questioning but since I am so bad at lying, I ended up answering her questions -- and telling her that I had fallen for another woman.
She took it pretty well, and said I was just being human, and she admired me for having the courage to tell her. The next day though she invited herself to my place and broke up with me. There's more to it than that, but I'll leave it at that.
For the next few days, I was in a state of minor depression. My eating habits changed a bit, and I started throwing myself into work, sleeping a lot, and going out for more walks. I didn't really change the type of food I ate, but I ate a little less often than I usually did.
But regardless, before April 1 I was still around 190lbs. Today I am at 175lbs. I was pretty fat at 190 (I'm 5'6" so 190 is pretty overweight for me) but at 175 my belly has become quite a bit flatter and the definitions of my upper body are starting to show again -- I was pretty well-defined from doing yoga since highschool, but it got covered by the layers of fat I had put on in the past two years.
Today though I can almost get away with wearing a fit shirt, but my belly is still a little round. I basically intend to keep up this pace, and up it a bit perhaps, until I can get down to about 150 or 140, which was probably my best weight.
What exactly have I been doing? I didn't really change much of my lifestyle, but I guess the mental/emotional effect really does have an effect on your body. I am a big proponent of mind over matter; things begin with the mind and only later show results in the physical, as I always say. A painter does not begin painting on the canvas; before he can create a portrait a picture of it must first exist in his mind.
And so I feel that a big part of my rather dramatic weight loss really stemmed from the mindset I got the day after April Fool's when my GF broke up with me. Getting in the right mindset and setting a goal -- that's what makes things work, and if Prime is setting himself to **** like a pornstar again, I'm not too far off that tangent.
Other than the all-important mental change, all I've been this past week is:
* eat lots of oatmeal
* drink a ton of water
* take a 30-50 minute walk thrice a week
* Some 20 minutes of yoga twice a week
* missed a few meals because I slept myself out of depression
* concentrate on work
Some "vices" I've still been doing:
* eat ice cream
* eat chocolate
* eat butter cakes
* eat potato chips
* sleep a lot
It's important to note that concentrating on work had me snacking less in the office -- this probably helped me lose weight as well. I also missed a few meals at home because I cried myself to sleep instead of joining the dinner table.
I still ate my "comfort" foods -- ice cream, chocolate, etc. And I still eat potato chips while watching anime. Because I was so depressed, I did not play any video games at all last week, which was really telling, even if it probably didn't impact my weight loss. And I did a lot of fantasizing about the new girl. I think that really helps. You have to set a goal and for me, she is ultimate the finish line.
So with this inaugural blog I cast a spell -- a spell that will have me working towards my goals, and I hope my struggle also helps Prime reach his. I would love for the both of us to reach our destinations intact. It's a long, long road ahead -- the girl I like is already dating someone else and I'm barely even just her friend. Prime has a lot of weight to lose.
But with the magnificent community here at Icrontic I think both of us can do it.
Sometimes I don't know what is happening, but here is the very surprising thing: I took out the scales today after reading Prime's blog, and found that I had just lost about 15 pounds. I tipped it at 175, and last month I when I donated some blood to the Red Cross I was still at about 190 (192 I think). I felt it was time I started recording my odyssey as well, as Prime has been motivating me with his efforts, I felt maybe my story can also motivate him and others here in the community.
What exactly happened that I lost 15 pounds in a month? It's not even in a month's time -- more like a week I think, since the changes to my life happened just last week, and I wasn't losing anything for the weeks following my Red Cross donation.
The root of it all goes back to what happened about two months ago. I fell for another woman while I was still in a relationship with my girlfriend. The details of it are in a post in the Icrontic Pub, so I won't go into too much detail. But basically, at first I didn't take much action, but about a month back I started to seriously consider my current relationship and what it all meant. So on the 24th of March, I really seriously began to consider this new girl as a potential new life partner and thoughts of it really began to pervade all my waking moments.
Long story short, last week, on April Fool's day, my girl invited me over to her place, and when I got there she wondered why I looked so sad. I tried to avoid her line of questioning but since I am so bad at lying, I ended up answering her questions -- and telling her that I had fallen for another woman.
She took it pretty well, and said I was just being human, and she admired me for having the courage to tell her. The next day though she invited herself to my place and broke up with me. There's more to it than that, but I'll leave it at that.
For the next few days, I was in a state of minor depression. My eating habits changed a bit, and I started throwing myself into work, sleeping a lot, and going out for more walks. I didn't really change the type of food I ate, but I ate a little less often than I usually did.
But regardless, before April 1 I was still around 190lbs. Today I am at 175lbs. I was pretty fat at 190 (I'm 5'6" so 190 is pretty overweight for me) but at 175 my belly has become quite a bit flatter and the definitions of my upper body are starting to show again -- I was pretty well-defined from doing yoga since highschool, but it got covered by the layers of fat I had put on in the past two years.
Today though I can almost get away with wearing a fit shirt, but my belly is still a little round. I basically intend to keep up this pace, and up it a bit perhaps, until I can get down to about 150 or 140, which was probably my best weight.
What exactly have I been doing? I didn't really change much of my lifestyle, but I guess the mental/emotional effect really does have an effect on your body. I am a big proponent of mind over matter; things begin with the mind and only later show results in the physical, as I always say. A painter does not begin painting on the canvas; before he can create a portrait a picture of it must first exist in his mind.
And so I feel that a big part of my rather dramatic weight loss really stemmed from the mindset I got the day after April Fool's when my GF broke up with me. Getting in the right mindset and setting a goal -- that's what makes things work, and if Prime is setting himself to **** like a pornstar again, I'm not too far off that tangent.
Other than the all-important mental change, all I've been this past week is:
* eat lots of oatmeal
* drink a ton of water
* take a 30-50 minute walk thrice a week
* Some 20 minutes of yoga twice a week
* missed a few meals because I slept myself out of depression
* concentrate on work
Some "vices" I've still been doing:
* eat ice cream
* eat chocolate
* eat butter cakes
* eat potato chips
* sleep a lot
It's important to note that concentrating on work had me snacking less in the office -- this probably helped me lose weight as well. I also missed a few meals at home because I cried myself to sleep instead of joining the dinner table.
I still ate my "comfort" foods -- ice cream, chocolate, etc. And I still eat potato chips while watching anime. Because I was so depressed, I did not play any video games at all last week, which was really telling, even if it probably didn't impact my weight loss. And I did a lot of fantasizing about the new girl. I think that really helps. You have to set a goal and for me, she is ultimate the finish line.
So with this inaugural blog I cast a spell -- a spell that will have me working towards my goals, and I hope my struggle also helps Prime reach his. I would love for the both of us to reach our destinations intact. It's a long, long road ahead -- the girl I like is already dating someone else and I'm barely even just her friend. Prime has a lot of weight to lose.
But with the magnificent community here at Icrontic I think both of us can do it.
Mine will be cold northern druid magic though; let's get it done.