[BLOG] The sex bloggers and the kinkstresses

primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' BoopinDetroit, MI Icrontian
edited November -1 in Community
I ****in' crushed 2.25 miles tonight.

I took a water bottle this time, but I was bloaty and gassy. I'm gonna have to start looking at what I eat at certain times; tonight I had some chicken that I stir fried in pesto and garlic, along with a bowl of brown rice. It gave me the worst gas, and made walking uncomfortable due to random gas pains. Whatever, I got over it. Saw the rabbit, so we're all good.

I'm gonna stick at this distance for a few days; it feels right.

After I got home, I took six heavy cans of yard waste to the curb, and finally, after all these years, threw out the wedding arch. Those of you who have been to ICHQ know what I'm talking about. I threw it away tonight.

Things changed.

Tonight I had a brief but nice conversation with one of the many sex bloggers I follow on Twitter. I've never really spoken with her before but she's been an inspiration to me, so I'm dedicating this walk tonight to all the sexy kinkstresses and sex positive people in internetworld that have given me the courage to blog about my struggles.

I follow one who is also struggling with her weight. She has been awesome, frank, and brutally honest about her day-to-day stuff, all while remaining sexy, upbeat, and kinky.

Before I started following sex bloggers, I never would have had the courage to post up the shit I post here. Even though I'm not a member of the community and don't really participate in any conversations (I am the proverbial 'lurker' for a change), I feel close to a lot of them and I owe the whole concept of this current blogging trend of mine to them.

Through them, I learned what the term "sex positive" meant, and have come to embrace the ideals that they represent; to make a long story short, the world would be a much happier place if everybody just ****ed their problems out ;)

So to my sisters and brothers out there who are baring it all and blogging about their cocks, twats, tits, assholes, and more, I pay homage to you tonight, thank you, and say that I can't wait to be hot again so that I can get busy writing about the sex I had last night instead of the food I ate that made me gassy while I walked :p


  • pseudonympseudonym Michigan Icrontian
    Prime's Internet Balls > pseudo's Internet Balls.
  • UPSLynxUPSLynx :KAPPA: Redwood City, CA Icrontian

    sounds like you have a good distance. Stick there for awhile, and as I mentioned last time, once that becomes all to easy, step it up. Good that you're doing the water thing, it'll make a difference.

    It's funny how much diet will pwn you when you work out, and it's not even the obvious stuff. I've had days where I eat light so I can have a good run but despite not eating a ton, whatever it was just has enough 'suck' in it to make my run completely blow. After awhile you'll find what works and what doesnt, and it helps then to plan accordingly.

    I did practically walk alongside you tonight as I walked home from work, and it was pretty nice. As a runner I sometimes forget how nice it is to slow down and take it all in at a walking pace.

    I think more people are following this story than you think... you've got a crowd now, and they're rooting. Don't let 'em down, stay at this. Your ridiculous, sometimes egregious, sex-infused motives are an inspiration to all of us in one way or another.
  • the_technocratthe_technocrat IC-MotY1 Indy Icrontian
    I'd say to keep the same distance, but up the intensity to keep the same level of difficulty. This isn't supposed to be comfortable, and you'll eventually get complacent or pissed with the lack of progress.

    ^5 dude
  • JasonJason H. R. Chufnstuf PDX Icrontian
    Next time you should bring something for the rabbit, like a carrot or whatnot.
  • MochanMochan Philippines
    Good work Prime, how long does it take you to walk 2.25miles? Try to get yourself to last about 40 minutes, you'll burn a lot of fat that way.

    Funny that you get your inspiration from sex bloggers, but I do agree with you on one point: if people just ****ed more than whined I think the world would be a better place. I think the world's outward condemnation of sex (and I say outward -- it's only in public proprietary that sex is assailed when in fact indiscretions privately abound) may just be that one factor that really screws people unnecessarily ... pun intended.

    In surveys/studies of happiness it has been consistently found that having good sex makes people happier than having a million bucks. (Why I am not sure I'd like to have a cool million) Imagine how much happier everyone would be then if they were so much more open with their sexuality instead of growing up in a sexually-repressed environment.

    But ah this is a larger sociological issue we're not prepared to tackle in this blog. For now....
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    I happen to agree with you 100% Mochan (for a change! :p)

    It takes me 45 minutes to walk 2.25 miles; I make sure not to stop at all during that time.
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