[BLOG] Kitty
Beepin n' BoopinDetroit, MI Icrontian
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There is a definite theme with my walks—there is always an animal involved.
Tonight I took my longest walk - three miles. It wasn't difficult, so I am going to need to step up the intensity.
I was, however, distracted... At mile one, a cat appeared out of nowhere and just started trotting along beside me. I figured it would go away, but it didn't.
I walked across main roads, around corners, down side streets, and kept shooing him away. He trotted along, meandered, went this way and that, and still stayed behind me. The entire two miles.
I got home and went in, and looked out two minutes later and there he was, under my roommate's car. When I opened the door he ran out to see me. This is not going to end well.
At any rate, this was kind of a milestone walk for me because this was the exact same route that we took back in 2006 for the "Short-Media Walk for a Cure". Here's the thing: I couldn't finish that walk. I remember it, it was hot and horrible and I just couldn't finish it. I only walked half of it... miserably, and then got picked up by my friend.
Tonight I just sort of breezed through it. That is a significant, major improvement in my life. A concrete one. Things changed.
Back to the fun stuff. To distract myself from the kitty, I started thinking about thigh-high stockings. While it is no secret at all that I'm a shoe man through and through, I am just as fond of the classic thigh-high stocking as the next guy.
So I lost myself in a reverie of being surrounded by gorgeous women in stockings and shoes. There is something deeply erotic about stockings, and I don't know why, but it resonates with so many people, and it's not limited to any particular culture. They represent ultimate femininity, sensuality, and lust, and I love them. The next time I see a pair of thigh high stockings on a woman, I hope it's up close
There is a definite theme with my walks—there is always an animal involved.
Tonight I took my longest walk - three miles. It wasn't difficult, so I am going to need to step up the intensity.
I was, however, distracted... At mile one, a cat appeared out of nowhere and just started trotting along beside me. I figured it would go away, but it didn't.
I walked across main roads, around corners, down side streets, and kept shooing him away. He trotted along, meandered, went this way and that, and still stayed behind me. The entire two miles.
I got home and went in, and looked out two minutes later and there he was, under my roommate's car. When I opened the door he ran out to see me. This is not going to end well.
At any rate, this was kind of a milestone walk for me because this was the exact same route that we took back in 2006 for the "Short-Media Walk for a Cure". Here's the thing: I couldn't finish that walk. I remember it, it was hot and horrible and I just couldn't finish it. I only walked half of it... miserably, and then got picked up by my friend.
Tonight I just sort of breezed through it. That is a significant, major improvement in my life. A concrete one. Things changed.
Back to the fun stuff. To distract myself from the kitty, I started thinking about thigh-high stockings. While it is no secret at all that I'm a shoe man through and through, I am just as fond of the classic thigh-high stocking as the next guy.
So I lost myself in a reverie of being surrounded by gorgeous women in stockings and shoes. There is something deeply erotic about stockings, and I don't know why, but it resonates with so many people, and it's not limited to any particular culture. They represent ultimate femininity, sensuality, and lust, and I love them. The next time I see a pair of thigh high stockings on a woman, I hope it's up close
Oh yeah, and enjoy your new kitteh.
Read the rest of my blog entries, you'll see where I'm coming from
over exercising. Did that ache go away? I had an experience a while back where I had strained my knee and I kept working out regardless of it because it didn't bother me that much. Eventually I really pulled it just walking up a flight of stairs. I ended up not being able to use it, besides limping around, for 2 months. It really set me back.
Your walks are obviously paying off, but have you thought about throwing in some other exercises to give your legs and other joints some rest time? Being that you are not in that magic age between 18-24, your muscle recovery isn't as good anymore. Giving your legs and knees a day or two rest a week is important.
Circuit training your upper body can be great to compliment to all your road work. It could give you the advantage of burning fat, building stamina, and toning up your body. You don't even need heavy weights. The goal is to alternate sets and reps where you get your heart rate up for 30 minutes to an hour or so. But realistically, if you are only doing your upper body, as you probably should for a while longer, you'd probably be looking at a 30 to 40 minute circuit training workout. The trick is to find the right exercises done in an order where you aren't over working one particular group of muscles to avoid injury.
Food for thought.