[BLOG] Sunday nights

primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' BoopinDetroit, MI Icrontian
edited November -1 in Community
There's a definite pattern here. Sunday night walks are crappy. The muscle pain returns, and now I'm sure of it: it has to do with the shitty weekend diet.

I went to Kuhnhenn's with Keebler and Bandrik last night and had two strong beers, and a bunch of popcorn. Crap.

I got 4 hours of sleep. Crap

I went to Foran's this morning and had two more beers. Crap.

Yeah, so despite my best efforts to prevent it, I still got a 2 mile walk in tonight.
It was more painful and tiring than normal, but now I know why.

Three things are changing tomorrow:

First, I'm going to get a membership at the local community center. It's super cheap and it's a very high quality gym. It'll be cool if one of my friends signs up or goes with me, but whether they do or not, I'm still going.

Second, I'm restarting my FitDay account, and I'm going to start changing my diet again. I aim to be about 20 pounds lighter by the time the Expo Icrontic rolls around (two months).

Third, I am going back to the temple on Tuesday and re-engaging the Buddhist community that I've left behind. I'm going to start meditation again.

One thing that I've remembered over the last three weeks (has it only been three weeks?) is that I used to be able to do this—commit to something and follow through. I've rediscovered that very important part of my personality and am beginning to embrace it again. My good friend Scott (Jokerz4Fun), who is one of the few who knew me well before October 8th, 2005, told me yesterday "Oh my god, it's like the old Brian is back". I've faced that day many times over the past few years, and thought I had come to terms with most of it, but one thing I still had to overcome was the fact that I lost myself along the way.

For those that knew me back then, I'm back. Thanks for being so patient and sticking with me. I've been a gigantic dick for three years and I'm sorry. I hope you understand and can forgive me.

For those just getting to know me, just be glad you didn't know me these last three years; they were useless.

I'm only 31 years old. This is the beginning of the prime of my life.


  • UPSLynxUPSLynx :KAPPA: Redwood City, CA Icrontian
    Great call on the gym membership and getting back into meditation. You work on Icrontic day in and out at your desk - it'll be great for you to have a regular 'leave the house' routine during the day. have no fear regarding it, the work will still get done.

    That's a realistic goal by the expo, especially if you continue to be tenacious about this. Don't ever give up on this. I want to meet this old Brian, the one that has all but reached legendary status in storytelling moments.
  • GnomeWizarddGnomeWizardd Member 4 Life Akron, PA Icrontian
    elliptical machines are ownage for people who hurt when they walk, The impact on my knees sucks ass so I hope on a Elliptical and I run for 3 miles and feel great
  • BuddyJBuddyJ Dept. of Propaganda OKC Icrontian
    Hey Brian, maybe you hurt because we sit for hours playing D&D and then you go from being sedentary to OMG MOVING WTF LOL FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU...

    Would stretching help?
  • you made the connection from being sore to diet much faster than I did when I started walking :)
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