[BLOG] Game Lust

jokerz4funjokerz4fun Michigan Icrontian
edited November -1 in Community
For as long as I can remember Ive played role playing games. Titles like D&D, Fantasy Star, Final Fantasy, Alien, Shenmue, Might and Magic, and Lost Odyssey just to name a few. Ive always been drawn to RPG's dont get me wrong I love all games but nothing compares to leveling up your character, finding a new world/map, or gaining a new ability. Or how about beating a boss that has been destroying your party time after time.lost_odyssey_CG2.jpg
I remember playing Lost Odyssey and calling Primesuspect to tell him how f'en awesome this game was. For the next 15min I was a little school girl. I'm pretty sure I sounded like I was on meth, the speed at which details were flying out of my mouth were at a substantial rate. And the conversation ended with me saying "I guess you have to play the game to understand" lol.

My biggest vice is Final Fantasy. final-fantasy-xiii-01.jpg
I can not get enough of that series. Every game Squire Enix turns out is another six months of my life not seeing daylight. I will no joke come home after work and play every day and night until I beat the game. Ok for instance I logged in 85 hours on FF7 and 68 on FF10. I get sucked into those games. My life gets consumed and all I can think about is my next move, or the characters, or what if I do this. Right now I have Lost Odyssey music playing in my head. My notification tone on my phone is "victory" from FF7 oh my god I need help.

Most people look forward to buying a house, getting married, kids, better job, blah blah blah. I'm looking forward to the new Final Fantasy game to come out in 2010. Will it make my girlfriend hate me,,,,probably. Will I rush my daily work so I can get home to play,,,,,,yeah and call in sick a few days. Will I gain 40 pounds from sitting there eating chips and drinking pepsi,,,,heck yeah. Will I cry at the end,,,,ugh maybe? Check out the trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPzCVlBCRfE&fmt=22&annotation_id=annotation_129714&feature=iv Seeing it at E3 was a tease, all it did was add gas to the fire. I remember walking down the street and seeing the characters on the side of a building. My jaw hit the street and then many upon many swear words came out of my mouth. Im pretty sure mothers were covering there kids ears,,,,,and some adults. At one point I declared I wanted to have sex with them. The sign of a mad man or or someone who really loves rpg's? I'll leave that for you to decide


  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    80% madman, 10% someone who really loves RPGs, and 10% you scare me
  • jokerz4funjokerz4fun Michigan Icrontian
    Awww thanks you scare me too
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    That's why we <3 each other :D
  • UPSLynxUPSLynx :KAPPA: Redwood City, CA Icrontian
    hahaha. That was a great read. I remember that moment in LA when we saw the building. Children wept. Grown men wept. Police officers ran in fear.

    I haven't dug into a good JRPG in FAR too long. Good lord I miss them. FF7, FF8, Chrono Cross, Grandia, Star Ocean the Second Story.

    Good heavens it's been too long. I love WRPGs, Oblivion, Mass Effect, ect, but I don't think I've gotten sucked into any of these like I did when I played JRPGs (and I tend to never finish them either)
  • jokerz4funjokerz4fun Michigan Icrontian
    Lynx I totally agree with you. I remember FF7 FF8 and Star Ocean. I would rush home call off of work and sit there for hours on end till I beat the game. I was like a little school girl. I haven't felt that way about a game in a long time. They just don't make'em like they used to. Wow that sounded like my dad lol. Nicole took me to see the music of final fantasy at the Detroit Opera House a few weeks back. It was F'en amazing. Every song brought back memories of raw emotion. The battles, cut scenes, awkward moments of cloud, and yes the tearful moments. I fell in love with the games all over again.
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