[BLOG] This is not another Blog entry.

I don't think you quite understand.
It's not that we think less of you for trying to consider this a Blog entry, it's that reality has a sneaky way of undressing your distant family and making them scream at electricians and other unioned tradesmen.
Clearly you will need additional materials, so here is exhibit A:
(click it to make big)
<a href="http://www.ethertree.org/media/mrPug_themrpug.jpg"><img height="300" width="255" src="http://www.ethertree.org/media/mrPug_themrpug.jpg"></a>
Now on to more pressing matters.
Some time ago, a friend came over to visit and used a spare computer to play the Left 4 Deads with us, and it was good.
The friend removed himself, his dog, and his dog's anally-sourced carpet accents and went back to Chicago. A lingering portal laid open, however, as the friend had left his Steam account logged on, and had not yet seen fit to fill in his profile.
What resulted was the Profile Enhancement Procedure, Mark 1, and the beginning of a wonderful journey for me, friend, and an unknown bank urchin - We humbly present to you, the profile of OMG Rainbow Panda:
This is the story of how Rainbow Panda saved Christmas.
One time.
The old ones slept in their cuddly wubby holes, and sang long songs depicting elvish impersonators.
Meanwhile, Slinky Dinky, the Suidae coppulator, was busy working in his shop, crafting fine twisty dorks. "What hath thou done with the fithy pyes, meh Slinky?" bungled the frumpy bank urchin as he stammered forth dangerously close to the dorksmythe.
"AAAaaaayyeeeeep krrblrptyh!" angled Slinky, bothering his grumpy cud from the chair, "You have comen at the bad times ye buttered knob!". He continued warringly "The pyes have been GOT! But worse yet, a steele man came to them and forced the warning upon them." he said, his voice getting mauve and dirt-like. "Whoever shall come to find the pyes will surely meet a wonderful accountant!" Slinky finished, hanging on any reaction from the urchin.
"Than be true, my will, for they pyes are my heritidges, and must not be got by they, so I will fly therein to save them, ne matter what the balance!" the bank urchin exclaimed... "Or my name isn't the Rainbow Panda!".
Or see for yourself!
This concludes today's exercise. Now turn in your copy book to your teacher or head of state, and place all study utensils neatly back in your womb.
It's not that we think less of you for trying to consider this a Blog entry, it's that reality has a sneaky way of undressing your distant family and making them scream at electricians and other unioned tradesmen.
Clearly you will need additional materials, so here is exhibit A:
(click it to make big)
<a href="http://www.ethertree.org/media/mrPug_themrpug.jpg"><img height="300" width="255" src="http://www.ethertree.org/media/mrPug_themrpug.jpg"></a>
Now on to more pressing matters.
Some time ago, a friend came over to visit and used a spare computer to play the Left 4 Deads with us, and it was good.
The friend removed himself, his dog, and his dog's anally-sourced carpet accents and went back to Chicago. A lingering portal laid open, however, as the friend had left his Steam account logged on, and had not yet seen fit to fill in his profile.
What resulted was the Profile Enhancement Procedure, Mark 1, and the beginning of a wonderful journey for me, friend, and an unknown bank urchin - We humbly present to you, the profile of OMG Rainbow Panda:
This is the story of how Rainbow Panda saved Christmas.
One time.
The old ones slept in their cuddly wubby holes, and sang long songs depicting elvish impersonators.
Meanwhile, Slinky Dinky, the Suidae coppulator, was busy working in his shop, crafting fine twisty dorks. "What hath thou done with the fithy pyes, meh Slinky?" bungled the frumpy bank urchin as he stammered forth dangerously close to the dorksmythe.
"AAAaaaayyeeeeep krrblrptyh!" angled Slinky, bothering his grumpy cud from the chair, "You have comen at the bad times ye buttered knob!". He continued warringly "The pyes have been GOT! But worse yet, a steele man came to them and forced the warning upon them." he said, his voice getting mauve and dirt-like. "Whoever shall come to find the pyes will surely meet a wonderful accountant!" Slinky finished, hanging on any reaction from the urchin.
"Than be true, my will, for they pyes are my heritidges, and must not be got by they, so I will fly therein to save them, ne matter what the balance!" the bank urchin exclaimed... "Or my name isn't the Rainbow Panda!".
Or see for yourself!
This concludes today's exercise. Now turn in your copy book to your teacher or head of state, and place all study utensils neatly back in your womb.