Techie Names Son Version 2.0
It seems one new father decided tradition and normality weren't for him, so he named his new born child with a version number.
[blockquote]Tacking Jr. or II onto a boy's name is too common, a new father decided, so the self-described engineering geek took a software approach to naming his newborn son.
Jon Blake Cusack talked his wife, Jamie, into naming their son Jon Blake Cusack 2.0.
Version 2.0 was born Tuesday at Holland Community Hospital (search), and the proud parents took him home Friday.
"I wanted to find something different to name him besides Jon Blake," Cusack, who is self-employed with Westshore Design and Cusack Music (search), told The Holland Sentinel.[/blockquote]
[link=http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,110112,00.html]The full story[/link] - Submitted by profdlp
[blockquote]Tacking Jr. or II onto a boy's name is too common, a new father decided, so the self-described engineering geek took a software approach to naming his newborn son.
Jon Blake Cusack talked his wife, Jamie, into naming their son Jon Blake Cusack 2.0.
Version 2.0 was born Tuesday at Holland Community Hospital (search), and the proud parents took him home Friday.
"I wanted to find something different to name him besides Jon Blake," Cusack, who is self-employed with Westshore Design and Cusack Music (search), told The Holland Sentinel.[/blockquote]
[link=http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,110112,00.html]The full story[/link] - Submitted by profdlp