Weird graphics glitches with 6950HD 2GB

Evelon277Evelon277 Canada
edited January 2012 in Hardware
I have a AMD Radeon 6950HD 2GB Video card and in certain games (Mostly first person games) I get these weird lines on certain areas of the screen as if the texture there is glitched. It happens most when there's lots of stuff happening at once. It also happens when there's flashing lights (Which happened in Bioshock) and when I get into a jeep in BF3, the bar on the top of the screen gets all messed up.
Anyone have similar or the same problem, or know of a fix?


  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    It sounds like your card is dying. A 6950 should be new enough to still be covered under warranty, though.
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    Dying, or overheating due to a stuffy case. Enthusiast cards throw out a lot of heat.
  • My card is brand new, I don't think it'd be dying quite yet, would it?
    This is my case:
    It's a full case and I have all the fans running at full power when gaming.
    In case you guys might be thinking of something else (I'm really bad at describing things most of the time) do you want me to try and get a screen shot of it happening?
  • TushonTushon I'm scared, Coach Alexandria, VA Icrontian
    You could have gotten a bad card out of the box.

    Try stressing it with Furmark, and if you get the same issues, get the card RMA'd.
  • No issue with Furmark, it does get really hot because for some reason my fan was only going up to 40% power so I decided to set it higher (70/80%) and I ran BF3 and the problem was gone for what I could see. Thanks for the help, guys, I never would have thought of overheating... I probably would have just sent it in saying it's defective.
  • fatcatfatcat Mizzou Icrontian
    edited January 2012
    I play for hours with two 6970's and never set the fan on either higher than 40% (20% when not gaming)

    70/80% has to be loud as hell, and also means you case airflow is bad

    edit> yea i just did 80%, i think my 15hp vacuum is quieter.
  • I don't mind loud, music or gaming blocks the sound most of the time anyway.
  • TushonTushon I'm scared, Coach Alexandria, VA Icrontian
    edited January 2012
    No issue with Furmark, it does get really hot because for some reason my fan was only going up to 40% power so I decided to set it higher (70/80%) and I ran BF3 and the problem was gone for what I could see. Thanks for the help, guys, I never would have thought of overheating... I probably would have just sent it in saying it's defective.
    You should try the following:
    Download the latest driver (here, I'm assuming you have Win7x64)
    Download and install Driver Sweeper (direct link to 3.2.0, current as of now)
    Uninstall the display drivers, either via Programs and Features (Add/Remove in XP) or from device manager
    Reboot into safe mode
    Run Driver Sweeper and select "AMD - Display" then click Clean.
    Reboot into regular mode and do a clean install from the AMD driver.

    Someone else had a very similar problem (the graphics card not ramping up appropriately) and cleaning out their graphics drivers and installing fresh solved it.
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    The GPU is biased to stay towards 30-40%, unless the card is approaching 90C.
  • hello i am Darry.And i ntersted in graphics glitches.It happens most when there's lots of stuff happening at once. It also happens when there's flashing lights (Which happened in Bioshock) and when I get into a jeep in BF3, the bar on the top of the screen gets all messed up.
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