875 advice!
building myself an 875 machine, i was wondering which mobo you would go with. i'd like the msi, but it has serious bios stability issues, the asus board has a retarded 3com ethernet controller, the gigabyte board has a ton of features but lags behind all the rest... i mean are there any good choices here? i need to have a new machine before july, and i like all the onboard stuff 875 has.
I need not say more.
i875P (Codenamed: Canterwood)
FSB800 Dual DDR Chipset - the fastest currently available Pentium 4 chipset
i865PE (Springdale) FSB800 (Canterwoods slower/cheaper baby brother)
Ic 7, good over clocker, good performer, good stability.
guess i probably should have learned by now not to listen to tom's...
heh oh well
Msi Review
If you're not on a budget then get ABIT, they are a good all rounder. I mean I could go on in detail about each of the top mobo manufactuers strong and weak points, but it will all simply lead to the same recommendation.
If money is no object then go to the ABIT camp, if it is, then fair enough, MSI and ASUS should be more suited to your needs. Simple as that. In this case though I would say you were correct in checking out the MSI board, probably a solid second choice in my opinion.
Just remember, the motherboard is essentially your PC. It's what makes everything work together, if you compromise on that, then your system will always have a handicap. If a man has a super fit, fast and powerfull body, but he has a weak heart, none of it really matters, those fantastic attributes (components if you will) are useless with out a strong, sturdy and reliable core to his body.
Do you get me?;)
That dual Opteron board from MSI (well there are two) should be quite good fun too
EDIT: Here's the excerpt from the interview with the Intel exec that states about 875 being a binned part:
The Asus P4P800 Springdale board also looks like a cheaper way to go with the same performance features as it's more expensive brother. Read the articles both at hardocp and at(shudder;) ) Tom's on this Springdale board and it looks like you can get the same performance as 875 chipset boards with the Springdale counterparts. Also, hardocp is supposed to be releasing a review on the Abit IS7-G this week too; it's mentioned in their P4P800 review and from the little blurb they put there, sounds like they were real pleased with it.
BTW, I've noticed a trend recently at both sites that their reviews seem to be much more professionally done and complete. Maybe all the bad press both sites have had in the fairly recent past has made them be more professional and accurate in their reviews.
and toms = suxor
he does have alot of good reviews but his OC and such like that are usually BS.
but i was under the impression that abit had a PAT enabling bios in the works for the 865, or at least the same thing that the P4P800 has, hyperpath or whatever. i'll probably stick with the 875 just because IC7 r0x0r, but i was just thinking similar performance for cheaper is a good thing
Current benches of Abit and Asus show their i865PE (Springdale) mobos are neck and neck with their i875P brethren.
In light of current analysis I would go for the cheaper i865as the i875's PAT advantage is largely a myth. BOTH chipsets have it. Intel just disables it for the i865PE 800mhz setting (But Abit & Asus have reenabled it)
check ou the Asus & bit i865PE mobo links in the review thread (HardOCP has tested all 4 mobos)
I saw it first