Software Vulnerability notices (public service thing)

Straight_ManStraight_Man Geeky, in my own wayNaples, FL Icrontian
edited January 2012 in Science & Tech

Thie above link points to an article on CNET(I have respected CNET for quite refreshingly unbiased news for decades), which allows linking to its articels. Title of articles is: "Symantec urges users of PCAnywhere to disable it". From other unlinked info, Symantec is working on closing the vulnerabilities tht can be done from knowing and analyzing source code, but intruders got access to PCAnywhere SOURCE CODE.

They do not yet know except by symptoms and user reports what to close off, so this lets the intruders sell the source code and knowledgeable people if badly motivated against Symantec attack ANY opening or holes in the source code. Apparently, PCAnywhere is popular software, or they would not make it known they knew about the attack as publicly as they did. Separately, Symantec issued a hotfix for known flaws in PCAnywhere yesterday (they did so without any knowledge of exploits, good on them).
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