The new map has finished rendering. Moved North direction to top right, because that just feels closer to correct in my opinion. Also rendered caves in the map. And the spawn overlay which shows where monsters could spawn due to darkness.
Note: some of the spawn location doesn't have enough light to prevent monster spawning. One of the ops should probably fix that =/
What's the janky internal border thing? Is that the remnants of another map?
Also: Isn't a cavemap sort of cheating?
Also Also: According to the compass on the minimap (for those who use them), North is lower right on this map (town spreads west from spawn). That's gonna be super confusing to have a different north in game than on map. :/
colapart legend, part devil... all manBalls deepIcrontian
The internal border is where the new map is, outside that border is our previous world. I'm guessing it's something to do with how the map spawns from server data.
Yeah... I didn't actually go in and remove the old render data. I just told Overviewer to do a completer re-render, hoping it would remove the irrelevant data. Apparently it didn't. I'll remove the old map before the render runs tomorrow.
I meant to respond to this earlier. IMO, yeah, it could be used to sort of cheat a little. The way I see it though, there's nothing to stop someone from grabbing my daily backup and rendering the cave map themselves... plus they could use other tools to REALLY cheat by seeing all the blocks, not just the cave walls.
Also Also: According to the compass on the minimap (for those who use them), North is lower right on this map (town spreads west from spawn). That's gonna be super confusing to have a different north in game than on map. :/
Isn't using a minimap sort of cheating? That's what the Map item is supposed to be for.
Also, I never understood why it defaulted to lower right as north. Seems to me like having north point up is the cultural standard. Can't render the map with north pointing straight up so I went top right since it seemed to make the most sense to me at the time for whatever reason. If you really want a map rendering with it bottom right, you could grab a backup and render a map for your use. They're posted, automatically, every day at
Nothing like a triplepost to start out the day, right?
New map is rendered, without the junk left over from the old one. Now that all that crap is gone, the render was extremely fast. Will be doing an incremental update of the map every day from now on when the server does backups. Enjoy.
Hmm... maybe I'm misunderstanding? I don't think it should be rendered differently. it's fine, I can always turn my head. The problem is only the compass rose. The direction that map calls north is the direction the minimap is calling west, so when I, for example tell someone to go east to get somewhere, there are two directions that they think I could be talking about, depending on their reference tool.
I'd have to log-in and look at the sun's path to figure out which one is 'right', but more important would be the possibility of reconciling the two somehow, if that would even be possible.
Huh, that's strange. I'm pretty sure telling Overviewer to render North top-right rotates the entire world, not just the compass rose... or at least that's the intended effect. Perhaps there's a bug in Overviewer? Or maybe I'm just reading the documentation wrong...
bu that's just a graphic... seems like an easy fix on their part to just modify the compass rose graphic, but we can't do anything about that, I guess.
I request that a favicon be given to the site, so it shows up differentiated in my icons only shortcuts list.
The problem is (as they informed me in the bug I bumped) that Notch changed the direction the sun and moon rise and set in 1.9pre4. Overviewer apparently used this data to define east and west. They don't want to just up and change it because then Overviewer would be broken for anyone using it on legacy maps. Apparently they're doing a complete rewrite of Overviewer though, including a fix for this. In the meantime, I changed the direction that the map renders (it will re-render at the normal time today) and swapped the compass rose graphics. That should fix things in the short-term, provided that Overviewer doesn't overwrite the compass rose graphics....
New map is generated. North is top left. Compass rose has been altered (and will be altered every time the map is regenerated) so that it is actually correct. Yes, there are fragments around the edges of the map from the old render, sorry. Once they release the overviewer rewrite with the fixes, I'll wipe the map out and do a completely fresh rendering so we have no fragments.
Oh, and I plan on leaving North set to top left.... so if you plan on making pixel art that shows up on the map, plan for it to be oriented this way from now on.
EDIT: The above may not be true... after poking around the map some more, I realized that rendering N - top-left makes it so the Industrial quadrant is rendered in a way that blocks out part of the residential quadrant. I'm thinking it might be better to render N top-right as I had originally planned to which would put industrial out along the top left side of the map where it won't occlude residential. Would people prefer this or does it not matter to anyone (in which case, screw it, I'll leave it how it is now).
My opinion: I don't like the change. The industrial towers now block residential plots on the map. I don't give a crap what we call North. If possible to turn the map back around, and simply turn the compass with it, (as it sounds like we are customizing the compass anyways) I request that we do that.
Agreed with Digi. We should keep it at default. Plus - I've been taking daily screenshots of the IC town so that we can have a timelapse gif after a month or so of building. This throws away the first four days, which in my opinion is the most important time to have images available
No option for rotatable maps, all the images are static png files.
Multiple renders could be done, but not in a simple way (i.e. - I would have to make separate directories for each, a person would have to navigate to the one they wanted, wouldn't be selectable in the map interface the way "cave" and "normal" are)
I'll change it back to having west top right like it was after restart. I hate having north point down though, it hurts my brain in odd ways.
I was going to do that, but it would still screw with Lynx's time-lapse captures from the site. I'll just deal with a little brain-hurt when I look at the map for now... I'll probably make north be up right once the Overviewer rewrite is out and I redo the whole map.
Note: some of the spawn location doesn't have enough light to prevent monster spawning. One of the ops should probably fix that =/
Also: Isn't a cavemap sort of cheating?
Also Also: According to the compass on the minimap (for those who use them), North is lower right on this map (town spreads west from spawn). That's gonna be super confusing to have a different north in game than on map. :/
Also, I never understood why it defaulted to lower right as north. Seems to me like having north point up is the cultural standard. Can't render the map with north pointing straight up so I went top right since it seemed to make the most sense to me at the time for whatever reason. If you really want a map rendering with it bottom right, you could grab a backup and render a map for your use. They're posted, automatically, every day at
New map is rendered, without the junk left over from the old one. Now that all that crap is gone, the render was extremely fast. Will be doing an incremental update of the map every day from now on when the server does backups. Enjoy.
I'd have to log-in and look at the sun's path to figure out which one is 'right', but more important would be the possibility of reconciling the two somehow, if that would even be possible.
Once they work out an acceptable patch and commit it, I'll update Overviewer and that issue should be fixed.
Edit: And there it is.
I request that a favicon be given to the site, so it shows up differentiated in my icons only shortcuts list.
I'll look into setting a favicon.
Oh, and I plan on leaving North set to top left.... so if you plan on making pixel art that shows up on the map, plan for it to be oriented this way from now on.
EDIT: The above may not be true... after poking around the map some more, I realized that rendering N - top-left makes it so the Industrial quadrant is rendered in a way that blocks out part of the residential quadrant. I'm thinking it might be better to render N top-right as I had originally planned to which would put industrial out along the top left side of the map where it won't occlude residential. Would people prefer this or does it not matter to anyone (in which case, screw it, I'll leave it how it is now).
Maybe multiple renders with different settings?
Just throwin' out ideas.
Multiple renders could be done, but not in a simple way (i.e. - I would have to make separate directories for each, a person would have to navigate to the one they wanted, wouldn't be selectable in the map interface the way "cave" and "normal" are)
I'll change it back to having west top right like it was after restart. I hate having north point down though, it hurts my brain in odd ways.
North up right would work also.Edit: Scratch that. It would meet my wants but would ruin Lynx's image which will be awesome when done.