The Windows 8 Thread
Geeky, in my own wayNaples, FL Icrontian
Here is some semi-meat about Windows 8 to start things off, from a seasoned IT/IS analyst. Appears that Microsoft wants one OS for Windows 8 Phones, Tablets and Desktops. However, looks like Windows 8 with applications in it will run best on Intel-chipped devices or things that emulate Intel. Modified/editted this post to reflect more input from those with other sources of info.
Windows 8 will be perfectly compatible with ARM processors, as well as x86 CPUs from AMD and Intel.
To be included in Win8 app store, apps must rely solely on Windows based APIs in which case they tend to run fine on ARM unless they have high physical memory requirements because most ARM based systems don't have as much physical memory as x86 based systems.
Just throwing that out there Hey, nobody expects to run a rendering farm on their tablet anyway.
The "One GUI to rule them all" concept is great. Now they have an OS in Win8 that's more flexible than ever. The Consumer Preview of Win8 that's due to be released at the end of Feb is said to run faster than Win7. Kudos to the boys in Redmond that made a revolutionary GUI with Metro and making it so light weight. I can't believe a lot of the new Win Phone 7 cpus are 1Ghz single core. I had the same horsepower years ago on my old HTC HD2.
Back on topic, I've seen Win 8 running on a lot of different platforms. It actually appears to be the most flexible Windows yet.
Now I really want to install this on something and try it for myself.