So sorry I didn't help get your corpse back. I had a phone call that went way longer than expected. :/ If you're missing any of your items, I probably have it in my inventory. Just let me know!
What'd you lose, Midga? I feel your pain, as we have all had those awful frustrating losses. I can toss you a few replacement goodies.
midga"There's so much hot dog in Rome" ~digi(> ^.(> O_o)>Icrontian
@Thrax: Actually, I got in (after the....fifth attempt I think?), and then found the chest was locked. Our wonderful admin came to my rescue, however (and hit me with a creeper in the process, lawl XD) and I'm pretty sure I've got everything. In fact, I'm really not sure all that lapis was mine, and there might be more stuff that's yours. There's a chest down in my big blue hole that you've got access to, so check it out and grab anything you need/want. Did you make it out okay?
@Gorzo: Thank you very much I think I'm good, though. Honestly, the story alone was worth it. Running across half the map five or six times, falling into the ravine after I specifically said I wasn't going to >_> and then the next attempt getting shot off the top of the tower... XD I finally got down by making a tube out of sand and lowering myself down into it. Found out I'm not a bad shot with a bow BTW, thank you for the arrows and bones you brought over to spawn! I need to find out where your skeles are so I can get a constant supply. I'm no slouch with a sword, but I'm much more effective with a bow.
Did you make it out okay?
@Gorzo: Thank you very much
BTW, thank you for the arrows and bones you brought over to spawn! I need to find out where your skeles are so I can get a constant supply. I'm no slouch with a sword, but I'm much more effective with a bow.