ICMC: Spleef
We have the ability to put a mod on the server to control a Sleef arena.
If you want to play, we need to build an arena.
I personally am not familiar with arena size or anything to that extent so we would need someone to take charge and make sure it gets built proper. Maybe we can include it in the castle build? Maybe out by the Baseball stadium to keep the sports theme?
If you want to play, we need to build an arena.
I personally am not familiar with arena size or anything to that extent so we would need someone to take charge and make sure it gets built proper. Maybe we can include it in the castle build? Maybe out by the Baseball stadium to keep the sports theme?

Looks like arena size is totally variable. A bigger arena means possibly longer matches, though smaller matches may be more fun for the more A.D.D.-minded players.
Because this sounds like something we would play often, I think it should be somewhat close to town. It would get more use. So IC Castle is a good idea, or perhaps we can put it in an industrial plot which should be big enough.
I'm definitely interested in heading the project, or at least helping out. If I were to build it, I would include the following features:
1. A set of dedicated beds for contestants to use, so if (when) they lose and die, they respawn right away.
2. Locker rooms: contestants/teammates each have their own room of chests to store their stuff in, and retrieve on their way out. They'll enter the arena from opposite sides from their locker room. The beds will be in these rooms.
3. Audience seating. A nice ring around the whole stadium with enough room for an entire server's worth of players to watch from.
4. A glorious lava-filled pit of DOOOOOOOM.
5. PRIZES! I vote we should totally pool together some gold bars or diamonds or something and have tourneys!
6. Rules: I only skimmed the wiki page, so I saw some rules. I'm sure we would tweak it and have our own house rules. Some ways I figured we could mix it up are:
a. Various block materials in the field. A few stone blocks that could be "safe zones" as they take longer to break, but stay there too long and you'll be trapped on it when the surrounding dirt blocks are destroyed! We could even give each player a chest of blocks to use, and each build their side of the arena before each match... so they can strategically place where they want their 5-10 stone "safer" blocks (the arena needs rebuilt each round anyways).
b. A couple of official refs that are allowed to throw random items into the ring (either by hand, or via redstone-powered dispensers that actually do pick randomly) for use, like in Smash Bros. Things like swords, shovels, food, whatever. Something to make it more of a party game (I love that idea). I even think audience members should be allowed to throw snowballs and eggs for the lulz. Both of these are optional to use per match. FINAL DESTINATION, ITEMS OFF.
c. Have a set of redstone switches that can vary up the arena. Examples are lava source blocks in the ceiling and pistons that can open up the flow. So, you could have an arena with 4 pillars of lava flowing down as death traps to avoid. Or even a switch for "sudden death" where there are 8 pillars, making movement very hazardous. Hell, you could use pistons to make the entire arena smaller/larger depending on taste (want a smaller/faster game? throw a switch!)
And so much more...
That's me just getting started. OMG I want this to happen. Let's do this!
It will handle a lot of the things you mentioned including emptying/restoring inventory, teleporting players back to their original location post-game, prizes (items and/or exp), arena protection and rebuilding, and many more.
Note, the playing floor will need to be rectangular, as WorldEdit is not installed on the server (and I don't intend to install it as... well... it's kind cheat-ish).
I really like the idea of random item drops and hazards. A few clocks with some logic gates, and maybe a few sticky pistons, should be enough to make a pseudorandom number generator.
And we could also have concession stands behind the seating
I'm all in favor of this being near the baseball field. In fact, I'm sure if people got interested enough in team sports, we could easily find games to play on that awesome diamond as well. Pity you can't hit snowballs...