Spiked OJ,,, Puhhhlease!! I've had Chinese Rape Drink at ICHQ and lived to tell the tale. Not to mention one or two of @Pigflipper tasty moonshine soaked cherry's. Party on!
Chinese Rape Drink?!? Hell, I had Three Penis Wine and didn't remember the next 12 hours.
ahahaha, I made it up there in 2009, we went to this amazing Asian food joint that had a package goods store in the front and someone, I can't recall who purchased a bottle of this clear Asian market liquor that was so amazingly vile to drink you just had to pass it around to see everyones reaction to it (seriously, it burned your eyes when you swallowed). Good times. Kills me I will not likely make it, too much vacation being spent other places. If you can make it, get up there.
Spiked OJ,,, Puhhhlease!! I've had Chinese Rape Drink at ICHQ and lived to tell the tale. Not to mention one or two of @DogDragon tasty moonshine soaked cherry's. Party on!
FTFY, the Cherries return this year.... hopefully along with Rocket Fule
My apology to @DogDragon - I believe @Pigflipper introduced me to that jar thus my recollection. Point still is, one cherry at a time kids, one at a time
Guys, I really appreciate the comments. I know you guys are pretty cool guys and girls. As well, the spiked orange juice thing wasn't nearly as big of a deal as I made it out to be, it was sort-of a (failed, it seems) attempt at a joke. That said, I am quite careful about meeting people in meatspace that I met in cyberspace...
But you guys would pass muster :P.
So yeah, I'd totally love to be there (especially with other Turnips going!), but I have something very important going on that weekend, and can't make it. Have fun everyone!
lol cherries will be coming, @UPS-Hitman rocket fuel I'm flying now so it's not looking good. I hurt myself last time with that stuff last time lol lights on but no one home
midga"There's so much hot dog in Rome" ~digi(> ^.(> O_o)>Icrontian
I'll grab the ticket as soon as I get my flight, and that's looking like it'll happen tomorrow. Taxi service will go to Detroit Metro, right? I'll likely be able to get one way on points if I fly Southwest, so I'm flying Southwest.
You could do it in the same vein that a Houston brewery does with their yearly "experiment" beers. Bonus round for great beers and fun names (like Pumpkinator)
FTFY, the Cherries return this year.... hopefully along with Rocket Fule
I'm looking forward to said Cherries.
But you guys would pass muster :P.
So yeah, I'd totally love to be there (especially with other Turnips going!), but I have something very important going on that weekend, and can't make it. Have fun everyone!
I'll grab the ticket as soon as I get my flight, and that's looking like it'll happen tomorrow. Taxi service will go to Detroit Metro, right? I'll likely be able to get one way on points if I fly Southwest, so I'm flying Southwest.
btw, is there another events after the expo?