Win XP Pro install question...
Just curious, I am installing Win XP pro on a Hard drive I used to use as a storage drive in another system. This will now be the primary drive in a new system. Will I lose any data on this drive once win XP sets itself up on it or will it just create the folders and such to run itself and leave the current info residing on the disk alone? I am just concerned because I can't really afford to risk losing anything on the drive. Please let me know. This is elementary I know but hey even us veterans (somehow I have recieved that subtitle from Short-Media) need a refresher now and then. Thanks!!!
But all of your "DATA" will be intact. Since you said it was a storage drive, I am assuming it had documents/music/movies etc?
I just wanted to nag you about performing backups. You are playing Russian Roulette with your data if you keep stuff you "can't really afford to risk losing" in a single location, especially something like a HD which could malfunction at any time. Backup!
BTW: You can go to your User CP (Edit Profile) and edit that, if you want something more personal. "Veteran" is cool, though.
1) Get first computer; learn basics
2) Learn a little more; screw things up
3) Get help; learn even more
4) Get cocky; really screw things up
5) Get more help; learn much more
6) Become a true expert; taunt noobs mercilessly
You look like you're just about ready for Step 4!
(Just Kiddin' Ya!) :bigggrin:
7) Realize that you know nothing and give up