$2500 will get Andrew Volpe to Expo

I know a lot of Icrontians are fans of Ludo. Andrew Volpe, the lead singer, has a new project with Tim Convy called Hot Problems, and they're doing a kickstarter-like thing to raise funds for an album.
A $2500 pledge+transportation costs will get him to Expo. He'll bring a guitar.
Forget transport costs. I figure, for $2500 he can damned well drive up with the rest of the Mizzou contingent
A $2500 pledge+transportation costs will get him to Expo. He'll bring a guitar.
Forget transport costs. I figure, for $2500 he can damned well drive up with the rest of the Mizzou contingent

Andrew's project: http://www.youtube.com/user/HotProblems?ob=0&feature=results_main
also, I don't think it is with Tim Convoy, he's been doing the YES,Dude! project youtube.com/watch?v=2towNl_u4Jg
And then the rest of the band is doing Tommy and the High Pilots tour youtu.be/F9CplYkz7QY minus the other Tim