Indie Royale's new bundle is up and running and it includes Dungeon Defenders! Current price is just over 5$. If you don't have Dungeon Defenders yet now is the time to get it!
midga"There's so much hot dog in Rome" ~digi(> ^.(> O_o)>Icrontian
OP forgot a link, so here you go. Brainpipe is a fun game. Great for stoned evenings. You move forward, and adjust the mouse to not run into things, while the ambiance is chill and psychedelic. I tried the Data Jammers demo and had no idea what I was doing. It looks a bit like Audiosurf in that you're moving along a ribbon switching tracks, but you gotta avoid some things and hit others. It's an interesting premise, and I hope the game itself has more information about wtf you're doing than the demo. Weird Worlds looks like a cool, short-session Space game, but I haven't tried it. All in all, probably a bundle worth picking up.