Indie Royale May Hurray Bundle!

MrTRiotMrTRiot Northern Ontario Icrontian
edited May 2012 in Gaming
Indie Royale's new bundle is up and running and it includes Dungeon Defenders! Current price is just over 5$. If you don't have Dungeon Defenders yet now is the time to get it!


  • midgamidga "There's so much hot dog in Rome" ~digi (> ^.(> O_o)> Icrontian
    OP forgot a link, so here you go. Brainpipe is a fun game. Great for stoned evenings. You move forward, and adjust the mouse to not run into things, while the ambiance is chill and psychedelic. I tried the Data Jammers demo and had no idea what I was doing. It looks a bit like Audiosurf in that you're moving along a ribbon switching tracks, but you gotta avoid some things and hit others. It's an interesting premise, and I hope the game itself has more information about wtf you're doing than the demo. Weird Worlds looks like a cool, short-session Space game, but I haven't tried it. All in all, probably a bundle worth picking up.
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