Another T-Mobile "What Phone Should I Get" question
Beepin n' BoopinDetroit, MI Icrontian
I'm now out of contract and I'm going to be getting an upgrade soon. My priorities, in this order, based on how I use my phone the most:
Camera quality
Battery life
CPU speed
Screen size
That is to say, weight and screen size are least important to me. I was leaning towards a GNex, but I'm starting to think twice about it. I can get an HTC One S for $249. Worth it? Or should I wait...
Now that I've had some experience with my G2 (HTC Desire Z) and it's quad-bandedness, I realize how absolutely convenient it is to have a quad-band phone. If possible, that would be something I'd be interested in as well.
Camera quality
Battery life
CPU speed
Screen size
That is to say, weight and screen size are least important to me. I was leaning towards a GNex, but I'm starting to think twice about it. I can get an HTC One S for $249. Worth it? Or should I wait...
Now that I've had some experience with my G2 (HTC Desire Z) and it's quad-bandedness, I realize how absolutely convenient it is to have a quad-band phone. If possible, that would be something I'd be interested in as well.
Galaxy Note can be hacked to be universal with a custom radio.
The rest are AT&T+Global, or T-Mobile only. If you're cool with T-Mo only, the One S is a great phone.