EPIC Pony Express Run 2012
It's gonna happen again. The Pony Express (my vehicle) will have yet another run to Toys R Us sometime during EPIC 2012 to pick up more of everyone's favorite technicolor equines... and possibly a scooter.
If you want to be in on the action, reply here and I'll be sure all attempts will be made to inform you when we'll actually go. Day and time will be played by ear.
If you want to be in on the action, reply here and I'll be sure all attempts will be made to inform you when we'll actually go. Day and time will be played by ear.
EDIT: Of course now the funk zombie is gone and checking my laptop again I noticed a google image search for Rainbow Dash that I don't even remember starting so I suggest you go with unnerved...
BTW, are people bringing their Collectible Trading Ponyz to EPIC?
That and I may be able to print out a few typography posters for whoever wants cause I can get them full sized for like 50 cents
Just a few examples, as I said I can prints of these cheap.
http://skeptic-mousey.deviantart.com/ There's the guys Deviantart, long as I don't make a profit on em its good, but for 50 cents a pop that won't be a problem.
They're all about the same size, but the largest I can get quality prints at is 12*18, any larger and the images will be muddled
I require this.
Also, this http://skeptic-mousey.deviantart.com/art/Trixie-Typography-Poster-212069606?q=gallery:skeptic-mousey/27686493&qo=86
EDIT: That image is only 1MB as I can find it, shouldn't be a problem though it'll be smaller than what I've listed, possibly standard paper size.
Hopefully I can get these printed before I leave but odds are that I'll have them all done.