Don't make me drive out to Illinois and steal the real Fapp street sign.
Hell, if I get desperate enough I might even write an article!
TeramonaConsulting Tea Specialist Best Coast! Icrontian
@Ryder and @TiberiusLazarus... I know it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, but I am beating you both on the July scoreboard. Can you beat that in 4 days?
I just want you to know that, at least for a month, I was better than you, Jimmy.
oni_delsDrunk French CanadianMontréal, Québec.Icrontian
can't request the classically trained badge. was gonna say "i have a pac-man tattoo and a nes controller belt buckle, need more proof? (i can also finish SMB3 in roughly 30-45min)"
oni_delsDrunk French CanadianMontréal, Québec.Icrontian
edited February 2013
Facebook / twitter Connector doesnt work either...
can't request the classically trained badge. was gonna say "i have a pac-man tattoo and a nes controller belt buckle, need more proof? (i can also finish SMB3 in roughly 30-45min)"
can't request the classically trained badge. was gonna say "i have a pac-man tattoo and a nes controller belt buckle, need more proof? (i can also finish SMB3 in roughly 30-45min)"
@oni_dels You can't request "classically trained", you have to earn it.
so ok, asides from clearing smbs and all original megaman, how am i suposed to prove it? i mean, i was the first one to catch all 150 legitly in pokemon red in elementary school, but there's no way i can prove it to you guys now...
I will stay ahead of you.
We shall see my friend, we shall see.
Don't make me drive out to Illinois and steal the real Fapp street sign.
Hell, if I get desperate enough I might even write an article!
I just want you to know that, at least for a month, I was better than you, Jimmy.
may or may not be related to my plans for tuesday.
so ok, asides from clearing smbs and all original megaman, how am i suposed to prove it? i mean, i was the first one to catch all 150 legitly in pokemon red in elementary school, but there's no way i can prove it to you guys now...
At the rate Canti is going he'll hit it in a month or so.