TeramonaConsulting Tea Specialist Best Coast! Icrontian
Update: Thank you to everyone for all of your suggestions! I've been trying to add a lot of new things to my diet; Dan's been force feeding me tofu and life cereal, and I'm trying to make it a point to eat more often. Unfortunately, the real kind of diet change I need is more a change in lifestyle, and it's been pretty difficult. For the time being, I have stopped training for any races, because it turns out I was not doing my heart any favors running on the kind of diet I was maintaining.
So, for now, less running, more yoga, and remembering to eat properly and regularly. Once I'm a healthier weight and have added more muscle to my body, I can get back on the marathon train... and then take over the world, since it's inevitable anyway.
(Edit: Having paid more attention to the thread, I see that diet might be more the concern here than the running. Still, we've been all gaga about this C25K thing and the not feeling like we're dying)
I haven't seen it mentioned in the thread so far, but have you heard of Couch 2 5K? The missus and I have been trying it, and we just got done with day 1 of week 4 last night. It takes you gradually and sneakily from a nice long walk with occasional jogging, to a 20 min run, using little increments from week to week.
On week 1, we thought "OMG running 60 seconds straight FML". On week 4, we thought "OMG running 300 seconds straight FML-- hey wait, this feels just like 60 seconds did and we haven't died, maybe next week won't be so bad"
It also helps that, even though C25K is structured in "weeks", it's expected that you might repeat weeks until you're feeling good. There are also smartphone apps and music playlists that help keep you to the timing
Oh yeah: And eat more protein. The girl that married me will tell you that benefit #1 of living with me, not counting the pets, is that I regularly encourage her to eat something other than triscuits and ketchup with occasional cheese hunks.
So, for now, less running, more yoga, and remembering to eat properly and regularly. Once I'm a healthier weight and have added more muscle to my body, I can get back on the marathon train... and then take over the world, since it's inevitable anyway.
I haven't seen it mentioned in the thread so far, but have you heard of Couch 2 5K? The missus and I have been trying it, and we just got done with day 1 of week 4 last night. It takes you gradually and sneakily from a nice long walk with occasional jogging, to a 20 min run, using little increments from week to week.
On week 1, we thought "OMG running 60 seconds straight FML". On week 4, we thought "OMG running 300 seconds straight FML-- hey wait, this feels just like 60 seconds did and we haven't died, maybe next week won't be so bad"
It also helps that, even though C25K is structured in "weeks", it's expected that you might repeat weeks until you're feeling good. There are also smartphone apps and music playlists that help keep you to the timing