Drunk ops are best ops

ardichokeardichoke Icrontian
edited August 2012 in Gaming
The EVE subforum is looking pretty barren lately. Allow me to remedy that.

Saturday night was my company anniversary party. My fiancee and I showed up and drank copious amounts for a few hours, then hopped in one of the cars (with driver, of course) they hire to take us home and headed off. Marysia, being more of a lightweight than I, promptly fell asleep during the first 15 minutes of This is Spinal Tap once we got home. I pulled out my laptop, jumped into my squad channel and proceeded to send out a call to arms of "Hey guys, I'm drunk, who wants to go on a slosh op?". It was greeted with other drunk squadmates who said TUNNEL SNAKES!!! It was on. We distributed some Tunnel Snakes (Shield tank autocannon Thrashers) from our squad hanger, we fleeted up, jumped into Mumble and were off to go harass our favorite cult-like terrible alliance Against All Authorities. We jumped out to the battle front in Querious, 49- and almost immediately got our first kill of the night, a Drake


A few of us got popped by a bombing run, but who cares? We killed an 86mil isk Drake in a small, mostly drunk gang of 12mil isk Thrashers. Oh, but the fun was not over yet my friends! While I reshipped as I had been popped by the bomber, my squadmates which were waiting for us to catch up were hard at work... as the same exact guy came back in another Drake! They pointed and popped him yet again


At this point, we're have a good lol at this terribad pilot that just doesn't know when to cut his losses. Everyone gets reshipped into more cheapo Thrashers and we decide, fuck it, lets go for broke and go camp the -A- staging system, see if we can't die hilariously. So we head out, throw some bubbles up on their undock when who undocks to greet us? The same damn guy in yet another drake!! A few moments later, pop goes this guys third drake of the night


Of course, in typical -A- form, they decided that the only solution to a small gang of drunk Thrasher pilots was to undock a carrier. Around the same time Lt Erl was undocking (and losing) his 3rd Drake of the night, they also undocked a Nidhoggur which finally finished off our merry band. I'm sure there was much chest beating on their comms after that brave capital pilot risked so much against a few Destroyers. Overall, it was the most fun I had in EVE: A Terrible Spaceship Game in Space for quite some time. The only thing I love more than losing ships I didn't pay for, is doing it drunk while winning the isk war.

Fly safe drunk space cowboys.


  • BuddyJBuddyJ Dept. of Propaganda OKC Icrontian
    I approve of this message. Sadly, my EVE time has been crippled by the dreaded Real Life. I really really really want to join in on some killing, but rarely get the chance. :(
  • TushonTushon I'm scared, Coach Alexandria, VA Icrontian
    Nice! I can't wait to, you know, actually have enough ship skills to go on random ops and pewpewpew.
  • Can you sit in a frigate with guns and (ideally) a Web or Warp Scrambler/Disruptor? Then you have the necessary skills. Jump in a fleet, web, scram or jam things. Take pot shots with cheap T1 guns. Even if you blow up, you still get on the kill mail as long as you locked up and agressed in some way. Just fly cheap while your skills are low.
  • TushonTushon I'm scared, Coach Alexandria, VA Icrontian
    Yes to those things. My requested skill set in corp keeps going up, so I have to slide onto different goals. I can definitely do what you said there, but that toon is in a WH right now. I probably need to just exit the WH because of politics preventing us from actually doing sites atm.
  • Yeah, W-space is really a high SP space. Probably better off fleeting up in K-space.
  • ardichokeardichoke Icrontian
    edited August 2012
    As an addendum, this is my 2nd lossmail of the night. Notice, it took them a Command Ship, a Battlecruiser and a Carrier to get rid of a small destroyer gang (I think there were a dozen of us). Many lulz were had by us.


    EDIT: This is the battle report from when we camped their station, it's not entirely accurate as there were other fights going on in the system. The only ships in our SloshOp fleet were the Thrashers and one Sabre

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