NV40 will rock at 450 to 550MHz
With Cebit just around the corner, Nvidia is trying to make sure it's properly ready to show off NV40.
[blockquote]The second revision is expected by the end of this month - if not earlier - and should rock much higher, at 450 to 550MHz we were told. But we understand Nvidia dreams of reaching 600MHz with it....Nvidia will sure clock it as high as they possibly can.[/blockquote]
[link=http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=13985]The full report[/link] - Submitted by panzerkw
[blockquote]The second revision is expected by the end of this month - if not earlier - and should rock much higher, at 450 to 550MHz we were told. But we understand Nvidia dreams of reaching 600MHz with it....Nvidia will sure clock it as high as they possibly can.[/blockquote]
[link=http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=13985]The full report[/link] - Submitted by panzerkw
i knew they would come back!!
hopefully these NEW cards arent trash