Is this BIOS sufficient?

ScuffScuff Southwestern, Pennsylvania
edited February 2004 in Science & Tech
I am trying to get an Asus CUW-FX motherboard working properly.
I have a 1000 Mhz Celeron cpu and have Win 98 on it because Win Xp won't load. Win 98 is working fine but the onboard graphics are "choppy" and "grainy" The BIOS is 1015 but for this processor I think I need an update. Anyone know anything about this?


  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited February 2004
    Does the BIOS recognize the processor as being 1000mhz? If it does, then the BIOS is not your problem. Are the graphics drivers updated to the very latest?

    Why won't XP load?

    Welcome to short-media :)
  • ScuffScuff Southwestern, Pennsylvania
    edited February 2004
    Yes the BIOS does recognize the processor as 1000 but the on board video is horrible.
    Why won't Xp load ? I don't know, maybe I needed to format the hard drive differently on the little 1.58 gigger
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited February 2004
    Okay, let's focus on the actual problems - forget the BIOS for now, it has nothing to do with performance.

    Do you have the latest drivers for your video?

    Remember, onboard video sucks bad for gaming - you're not going to get good performance on any modern game no matter what you do, so make sure this isn't a lost cause before we start.

    Second, read my article ab out spyware. Let's make sure your computer is "clean" before we bark up the wrong tree.

    So, 1st do a spyware check, and 2nd make sure you have the very latest drivers for your video card.
  • ScuffScuff Southwestern, Pennsylvania
    edited February 2004
    I don't have any new drivers for the video and i'm not too concerned with games so onboard will have to do. Especially since it this board only has one PCI slot (nice huh!) and no onboard sound, so there goes that slot.
  • ScuffScuff Southwestern, Pennsylvania
    edited February 2004
    What do I need to do to update the graphics driver?
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited February 2004
    Well, knowing what onboard video you have would be a great start.
  • ScuffScuff Southwestern, Pennsylvania
    edited February 2004
    IT'S A 2D/3D AGP VGA according to my manual does that help?
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited February 2004
    Never mind. I looked it up for you. You have an Intel 810 chipset on that thing. So, you need to do these three updates:

    The Graphics Driver

    The Chipset INF utility (install this one first, actually)

    And the Application Accelerator which is intel's fancy name for IDE driver.

    Do those, and report back.
  • ScuffScuff Southwestern, Pennsylvania
    edited February 2004
    Never mind. I looked it up for you. You have an Intel 810 chipset on that thing. So, you need to do these three updates:

    The Graphics Driver

    The Chipset INF utility (install this one first, actually)

    And the Application Accelerator which is intel's fancy name for IDE driver.

    Do those, and report back.
  • ScuffScuff Southwestern, Pennsylvania
    edited February 2004
    I was able to dowload the the first two but not the last(application accelerator). There is definately an improvement in graphics now. THANKS
    Do I need #3?
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited February 2004
    Scuff wrote:
    I was able to dowload the the first two but not the last(application accelerator). There is definately an improvement in graphics now. THANKS
    Do I need #3?
    Try the download again. Looks like these came off an ftp site. They often limit you to two simultaneous downloads. You probably had the first two going and it locked you out.

    And, yes, you ought to do them all.

    Welcome to Short-Media! :cheers:
  • ScuffScuff Southwestern, Pennsylvania
    edited February 2004
    I tried downloading again and it says " incompatible hardware. this install package is only compatible with intel 800 series or compatible chipsets. installer will now exit"
    My board does have an 810.
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited February 2004
    Try the BusMaster IDE driver for your board from Asus.
  • ScuffScuff Southwestern, Pennsylvania
    edited February 2004
    I clicked on the USA -nothing then the Global - nothing
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited February 2004
    Asus download site is notoriously slow. Try it again. I just tried it and it worked ok.

    Try right-clicking on the USA link and choose "Save As"
  • ScuffScuff Southwestern, Pennsylvania
    edited February 2004
    it says internet explorer cannot download ...... the operation timed out
    but in the background the folders are flying from the globe.
    is this a pseudo download?
  • ScuffScuff Southwestern, Pennsylvania
    edited February 2004
    another question after all this is done and i want to put xp on my hard drive will I have to download all these again once I format the HD or will xp find them?
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited February 2004
    Are you on dial-up? Asus can be slow to connect...

    I checked it again (3rd time) and can assure you that it is not a psuedo download... :scratch:

    All I can tell you is to keep trying. :wave:
  • ScuffScuff Southwestern, Pennsylvania
    edited February 2004
    no it's cable and it doesn't state a time remaining for the download did it do that for you? it just shows the paper flying from the globe to the folder.
  • ScuffScuff Southwestern, Pennsylvania
    edited February 2004
    i just got it to download am I now in business. What about loading xp will that erase this?
  • edited February 2004
    If you format the hard drive, everything on the hard drive will be gone for good. Windows XP may have some built-in drivers for your chipset, but there'd be a good chance they'd be a bit out of date.

    Not to mention, you'd be installing entirely diffrent drivers than the ones you have now, as Windows 95/98 drivers are diffrent from 2K/XP's.
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited February 2004
    Yeah, Windows XP .... You're going to want to format the drive (fancy word for erase) and install it from scratch. Then you will need to get the Windows XP versions of those drivers. I'll only help you be lazy once ;) you'll have to go to and click "support" and find them yourself.

    Remember that when you format, you lose everything, so back up your documents, files, and program settings before you do it.
  • TexTex Dallas/Ft. Worth
    edited February 2004
    Yes explorer should show how much is downloaded. Hoe much remains... and estimate a time remaining.

    If you have an older board (and it sounds like you do) there are a ton of things that might keep XP from loading. You have really not given us anything at all to work on regarding WHY xp isnt loading. Where does it fail? What message you get etc...

    My first guess... and thats all we can do at this time is guess really.... would be to have you hit F5 right as the load starts and it tells you to hit F6 for drivers..... by hitting F5 there you get to select what HAL it uses and I bet yours isnt ACPI compatible as a wild guess and you need to select "standard pc" and try that.

  • TimTim Southwest PA Icrontian
    edited February 2004
    He has only 128 MB of PC100 SDRAM in the MB, which is marginal for XP.

    And the CD drive is pretty old as well. But it works.

    His hard drive is only a 1.58 GB unit, so even that is borderline for an XP installation.
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited February 2004
    Stick with 98. XP with 128MB would be a nightmare, if it worked at all.
  • JimboraeJimborae Newbury, Berks, UK Member
    edited February 2004
    I doubt XP would even install on a 1.58g drive in a standard installation. Every time I've loaded the default installation it taken up over 2gig.
  • edited February 2004
    I installed XP to a 1.5 gigger last night. I ended up with 30 MEGS left.
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited February 2004
    TheSmJ wrote:
    I installed XP to a 1.5 gigger last night. I ended up with 30 MEGS left.
    Just enough to install F@H! :D
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