TF2 Weapon Give away
P-Town, Texas Icrontian
The skinny. I have a bunch of spare weapons normally on hand that I have not smelted yet. Normally everything goes into becoming scrap metal but instead I am offering them up for people who would like them. This is in the spirit of if you haven't gotten a weapon dropped or unlocked that you would like simply post and if I have a spare it is yours or I will ear mark one for you in the future. Of course I need you to be a forum member of Icrontic with a post history of 50 or a member for 1 month(this is to make sure you are ONE OF US!). Please do not abuse this as I want to put back something into the community, if other people want to join me PM.
Just a thought.
Thus you have many-one-many but not one person holds everything but simply tracks assets and request. Trading for a really rare hat/misc. would be a lot of ear buds.