How to boot to the desktop, or banish Metro (from Win 8)
Geeky, in my own wayNaples, FL Icrontian
PC World beat me to it, and anyone can get to the article methinks.
PC World beat me to it, and anyone can get to the article methinks.
The latest thing is touch-screens, but the Surface Pro 128 GB is 999.00+ before keyboard and sans even a cover and stylus. I favor a mouse, own a good one already, have a laptop with no touchscreen and a desktop with no touchscreen.
IF, and I say if, I move to a new convertible laptop, will be a while yet-- like a year or more. For now, I MIGHT adopt new version of Windows if I can use my existing hardware well with it, which will require Windows 8 Pro 64 bit to have a good use of my hardware.
I think Microsoft was banking on a better economy, and did not get it so far. Note that the Surface Pro 128 GB is sold out again on Microsoft's site.
I said that before and you guys were all like, "that because you're on the preview edition, just wait until you get the full edition, you'll hate it!"
Nope. It's not even a little bit different. I usually don't even remember that it's a new OS.