properly setting up dns and mail with a firewall
Dallas TX Member
Ok, here’s the deal. I’m using smooth wall as a fire wall for my network. it has three zones. Red, which is the internet hook up, Orange, which is the DMZ, and Green, which is the local protected network. My server is set up on the DMZ so it can take access from the outside. Ever since I put it on, Argosoft hasn't been able to receive mail. Also, anyone that connects to my hotline server is not able to download files off the green network. They try to start them and they sit there saying waiting. I have tried to get help from the Smoothwall forums with minimal success. You can find that thread here. Any further help would greatly be appreciated.
Oh, and for those of you that dont know, my server is a DNS server and domain controler.
Oh, and for those of you that dont know, my server is a DNS server and domain controler.