Well I got the CPU to 2400MHz w/ 1.85V. The memory arrived but shortly after I killed my board Dropped a screw while putting the side back on (it was running). Fell between a MOSFET, connection the 3 legs of it. New NF7-S coming tomorrow, selling this one to friend for RMA.
I'll let you guys know how it all goes.. when I get there
Sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself when you screw up and are stuck on a 400MHz Celeron.
Well I got the CPU to 2400MHz w/ 1.85V. The memory arrived but shortly after I killed my board Dropped a screw while putting the side back on (it was running). Fell between a MOSFET, connection the 3 legs of it. New NF7-S coming tomorrow, selling this one to friend for RMA.
I'll let you guys know how it all goes.. when I get there
Sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself when you screw up and are stuck on a 400MHz Celeron.
Well I got the CPU to 2400MHz w/ 1.85V. The memory arrived but shortly after I killed my board Dropped a screw while putting the side back on (it was running). Fell between a MOSFET, connection the 3 legs of it. New NF7-S coming tomorrow, selling this one to friend for RMA.
I'll let you guys know how it all goes.. when I get there
Sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself when you screw up and are stuck on a 400MHz Celeron.
That is more common that many peeps think. No pain, no gain.
Good luck. Lets hope you get an older batch since they are much better. The new batches dont like BH5 at all. =/
That is more common that many peeps think. No pain, no gain.
Good luck. Lets hope you get an older batch since they are much better. The new batches dont like BH5 at all. =/
I'll see what it does with the BH5. If it doesn't like it, I'm sure my friend would trade this current one after the RMA for the replacement. He's a good friend
I looked at the DFI Rev Bs but my SP-97 wont fit, so I just went with the ole' NF7-S :thumbup Hopefully I have better luck with the new one tomorrow.
Board came today.. Just got done installing. This is a REALLY recent board.. it shipped with BIOS 22! The BH-5s are running @ 200FSB right now.. I'll have to feel this board out a little later tonight :-p
Don't be afraid to give your 2400-m some voltage. They are superb overclockers in the 1.9v-2.0v range. Got mine to 2525 @ 2.0vcore ~49c load with a sf2 @ 4600rpm
I've hit 51C / 31C (SYS) at 1.85V.. or else I would go higher. And this is with my SP-97 (w/ a 92mm fan... looking for good 80mm). My room is starting to warm up as Spring is rolling around. My room is always warm compared to the other parts of the house, so I just have to deal with it during the warmer part of the year.
I'm thinkin about selling this CPU to my mom and getting a 2500m in a month or so
Looks like memory will be tomorrow or this weekend... I spent tonight modding some BIOSes with the correct SATA BIOS.. surprisingly easy :bigggrin:
Lol did anyone know that NF7-S boards were shipped with the BIOS from 2020? I didn't notice it until I opened Sandra...;D
Heh.. I feel special.. VDIMM modded today and I didn't kill anything.. (except maybe this pot ). I left the fixed resistor there and used a 1k pot. I can't get the resistance to change for anything. It's staying at ~123 ohms... which will give me 3.05v for the memory. I've played with the pot for 30 minutes.. and no change what-so-ever.
I might go back to Radio Shack and get a new one... $2.50 isn't bad.
Heh.. I feel special.. VDIMM modded today and I didn't kill anything.. (except maybe this pot ). I left the fixed resistor there and used a 1k pot. I can't get the resistance to change for anything. It's staying at ~123 ohms... which will give me 3.05v for the memory. I've played with the pot for 30 minutes.. and no change what-so-ever.
I might go back to Radio Shack and get a new one... $2.50 isn't bad.
Park, you need at least .3 volt OVER the vdimm voltage on the 3.3 rail.
Mod the psu to 3.5 about. Then you will see changes
What psu is it?
Does the orange cable on the atx have a thin wire as well?
I found 2x 256MB Mushkin Lvl2 PC3200 @ AMDMB. I'm trying to get more information via PM from the seller, but what do you guys think? Yes? No? He says 230MHz 2/2/2/11 @ 3V in DC.
If possible, I want to do a VDIMM mod to get ~3.2V.. which can be sorted out later. Hopefully that will get them to my gold 240FSB with low timings
Why is he getting rid of them is what I wanna know? I think they're fantastic chips ...I have a pair of the 3500's.
Why is he getting rid of them is what I wanna know? I think they're fantastic chips ...I have a pair of the 3500's.
I already got them.. thanks for the reply anyway. He's a great guy.. they got here fast and work fine. Don't know how fast they'll go.. but they're no whimps so far
Awesome Mackanz I just have to find all those poteniometers.. as Radio Shack only has 1k and 10k cermet flavors (15 turn). I also want to do the removable mod.. so I'm going to get some sleeving and different color molex connecters to do it all nice
Anyone know where I can get cheap (~$2.50 /ea) 5k & 47k poteniometers?
I'll probably do this mod to my brother's computer too.. as the VDIMM is stuck at 3.2v w/o any mods.. and the +3.3V isn't much higher. Freezes once a day or so...
Thanks again Mackanz, you've helped alot on this adventure
Well I finally got the 1k pot to give me more juice on the VDIMM.. but as you said Mack, it needs more on the +3.3v. The VDIMM will fluctuate ~0.05 v when I near 3.1V, and even more if I push. PSU mod is coming ASAP
Radio Shack online only has 1k and 10k cermet pots. Same story with the store I went to last night (1 of 4 around me). I wish there was a better store around here for this stuff.. Radio Shack (at least around where I live) has gone down hill.
As for my brother's computer, I still have no clue why it jumped to 3.2v w/o mods. This has been confirmed with multimeter.. the board is possessed. I'll check the PSU +3.3 line tomorrow with my multimeter to see how far off the VDIMM and 3.3 line are.
Pilsy mentions a way to make the mod detachable in the link. That got me thinking of a neater looking way of doing just that. I've ran through a couple of options, but I decided on this one.
Supplies cost $10 @ FrozenCPU.com. Not the cheapest way, but I think it'll be sexy
Let me know what you guys think! I'll be sure to get tons of pictures when the stuff comes. I found pots also, so it should be by next weekend
Pilsy mentions a way to make the mod detachable in the link. That got me thinking of a neater looking way of doing just that. I've ran through a couple of options, but I decided on this one.
Supplies cost $10 @ FrozenCPU.com. Not the cheapest way, but I think it'll be sexy
Let me know what you guys think! I'll be sure to get tons of pictures when the stuff comes. I found pots also, so it should be by next weekend
Looks awesome Park. As long as the joints are soldered well and isolated from the rest of the world, you're playing ball. Give the mod an inch of slack as well for extra insurance.
Croc, did you see the mod-explanation i gave for your board? I think it was on another thread you asked for it.
I tested the new VR's with the new multimeter, they all test out pretty well. They are one turn pots, but I got them all to read 30K (I think thats the resistance for the mods) exactly with ease. I'll post pics when I am done.
Park, good luck with yours!! I want to see the results too!!
Be extremely careful with he 1-turn pots. They are damn sensitive. I blew a agp port on a KX7 with one of those, giving the good old Sammy 2700 a whacky 4.2 volts. Not intentionally off course, but i slipped a little and have had a few pints of Guiness before.
Weird, the memory and the Radeon 9700 survived, but not the Agp controller.
Be extremely careful with he 1-turn pots. They are damn sensitive. I blew a agp port on a KX7 with one of those, giving the good old Sammy 2700 a whacky 4.2 volts. Not intentionally off course, but i slipped a little and have had a few pints of Guiness before.
Weird, the memory and the Radeon 9700 survived, but not the Agp controller.
Yeah, I thought about that. I plan to super glue (or maybe something less permanent, but strong) it in place once I find the desired setting. I won't be adjusting it with the power on, thats for sure. I just hope my soldering skills are as good as they were in my 3 years of Electronics in High School (almost 5 years ago) .... maybe I will practice on some other stuff first to be safe ....
If you don't want to mod the psu Park, i can highly recommend the Fortron Source 530 from Newegg for a measily $65 or so. I have NEVER seen such a strong psu before.
I ran it outside the system with a few pelts on, and the twelver never moved from 12.04 volts during the 10 minutes. I dialed the 3.3 line a little (the dang psu have 5 pots inside) from the 3.32 it was on out of the box. Noiseless psu that isn't even getting much over ambient to the touch. This is a steal.
I'll let you guys know how it all goes.. when I get there
OUCH, that must have hurt your pride(and wallet).
Good luck. Lets hope you get an older batch since they are much better. The new batches dont like BH5 at all. =/
I'll see what it does with the BH5. If it doesn't like it, I'm sure my friend would trade this current one after the RMA for the replacement. He's a good friend
I looked at the DFI Rev Bs but my SP-97 wont fit, so I just went with the ole' NF7-S :thumbup Hopefully I have better luck with the new one tomorrow.
I'll post back with what this combo turns out..
I'm thinkin about selling this CPU to my mom and getting a 2500m in a month or so
Looks like memory will be tomorrow or this weekend... I spent tonight modding some BIOSes with the correct SATA BIOS.. surprisingly easy :bigggrin:
Lol did anyone know that NF7-S boards were shipped with the BIOS from 2020? I didn't notice it until I opened Sandra...;D
I might go back to Radio Shack and get a new one... $2.50 isn't bad.
Park, you need at least .3 volt OVER the vdimm voltage on the 3.3 rail.
Mod the psu to 3.5 about. Then you will see changes
What psu is it?
Does the orange cable on the atx have a thin wire as well?
It's an Antec True430 Watt. Yes, it has the smaller orange wire as well.
I already got them.. thanks for the reply anyway. He's a great guy.. they got here fast and work fine. Don't know how fast they'll go.. but they're no whimps so far
By the one and only Pilsy. (member of the good old Icrontic btw)
Anyone know where I can get cheap (~$2.50 /ea) 5k & 47k poteniometers?
I'll probably do this mod to my brother's computer too.. as the VDIMM is stuck at 3.2v w/o any mods.. and the +3.3V isn't much higher. Freezes once a day or so...
Thanks again Mackanz, you've helped alot on this adventure
I'm surprised that the vdimm of your bro gets that far with that "low" 3.3.
No problem, happy to see a hardcore overclocker around here.
RS Online Store: Pots, Trimmers, Thermistors
Radio Shack online only has 1k and 10k cermet pots. Same story with the store I went to last night (1 of 4 around me). I wish there was a better store around here for this stuff..
As for my brother's computer, I still have no clue why it jumped to 3.2v w/o mods. This has been confirmed with multimeter.. the board is possessed.
Supplies cost $10 @ FrozenCPU.com. Not the cheapest way, but I think it'll be sexy
Let me know what you guys think! I'll be sure to get tons of pictures when the stuff comes. I found pots also, so it should be by next weekend
I got my pots from bgmicro (I think thats what its called) online, and also a multimeter for around 7 bucks.
Looks awesome Park. As long as the joints are soldered well and isolated from the rest of the world, you're playing ball. Give the mod an inch of slack as well for extra insurance.
Croc, did you see the mod-explanation i gave for your board? I think it was on another thread you asked for it.
Also bought this
I tested the new VR's with the new multimeter, they all test out pretty well. They are one turn pots, but I got them all to read 30K (I think thats the resistance for the mods) exactly with ease. I'll post pics when I am done.
Park, good luck with yours!! I want to see the results too!!
Weird, the memory and the Radeon 9700 survived, but not the Agp controller.
Yeah, I thought about that. I plan to super glue (or maybe something less permanent, but strong) it in place once I find the desired setting. I won't be adjusting it with the power on, thats for sure. I just hope my soldering skills are as good as they were in my 3 years of Electronics in High School (almost 5 years ago) .... maybe I will practice on some other stuff first to be safe ....
I ran it outside the system with a few pelts on, and the twelver never moved from 12.04 volts during the 10 minutes. I dialed the 3.3 line a little (the dang psu have 5 pots inside) from the 3.32 it was on out of the box. Noiseless psu that isn't even getting much over ambient to the touch. This is a steal.