Gunpoint: My Spoiler Free Epilogue
So here's something neat when you beat Gunpoint you get a few choices in your epilogue related to your actions in the game proper. Once you've put them all in the game makes a fake blog post by the main character detailing your actions and his Noire-as-fuck (Depending on your dialogue choices) final comments.
I dunno read it if you want
On that note, this game is all kinds of awesome. The characters are pretty well developed for the game length and the story once you make sense of it (Or rather if you pay attention) is imo really neat. I love the way stealth works in the game and how the creator implemented circuit rewiring to add a level of depth to the game's puzzles which I doubt would've existed had it not existed.
It's $10, buy it you'll love it guaranteed.
Edit: The game also comes with a level editor which I really love you can make a map and then challenge your friends to see if they can figure it out.
The mechanics of the game in general are awesome enough that I'm going to replay the story to A: Make different choices and B: See how quickly I can beat them, there's an achievement if you can do it faster than the creator. (Though it might just be an achievement for beating it quickly, there's no record of how fast he was. Sort of makes me wish there was a leaderboard but eh it doesn't detract from the game)
I dunno read it if you want
On that note, this game is all kinds of awesome. The characters are pretty well developed for the game length and the story once you make sense of it (Or rather if you pay attention) is imo really neat. I love the way stealth works in the game and how the creator implemented circuit rewiring to add a level of depth to the game's puzzles which I doubt would've existed had it not existed.
It's $10, buy it you'll love it guaranteed.
Edit: The game also comes with a level editor which I really love you can make a map and then challenge your friends to see if they can figure it out.
The mechanics of the game in general are awesome enough that I'm going to replay the story to A: Make different choices and B: See how quickly I can beat them, there's an achievement if you can do it faster than the creator. (Though it might just be an achievement for beating it quickly, there's no record of how fast he was. Sort of makes me wish there was a leaderboard but eh it doesn't detract from the game)
And then it was 2am.
I am not a smart man, but this is a good game.
Does the insane jumping/climbing abilities both you at all? Like, your guy is basically super-human. Looks like a great mechanic, just odd for the setup. Unless he is super human or something.
My favourite part is getting spotted and then tackling a person through a window while getting shot at.