EPIC 2013 boardgaming room.
As in past years, this year's Expo Icrontic will feature a dedicated Boardgaming room. For this year, the ICHQ 'Little Norway' room (the office) will be dedicated to this purpose. It will be our nook for many games of board, card, and pawn. In this alcove, games will be running nearly non-stop throughout the event (with the main exceptions being during the two other events I'm running (DTEC and Official Giant Catan) and some meal-times. If you've got time that is not dedicated to another event, feel free to check out what's going on in the boardgame room. Spectators encouraged. I'll try to keep everyone apprised of what games are going on when by whatever community bulletin method we end up using this year.
The games that go on in Little Norway will all be considered 'official' games, which basically means that they will be officiated, and players can earn extra prize table tickets for winning games. The games will also be considered 'teaching games', in that people will be encouraged to sit down for games that they've never played, and learn them on the way. Nearly every game we play in the boardgame room will have at least one new player in it, and that person(s) will be learning as we play. Please let CB (that's me) do the teaching and officiating of all games in the boardgame room. That's my primary job at the event; I will only be playing in the games if there happens to be extra room after all interested players sit down.
Of course, boardgames will be going on elsewhere as well. Every year of EPIC, it seems like more and more participants are bringing there own boardgames, and fitting in matches where/when they can. That's great, and I encourage it, but only the boardgame room is a teaching environment, and only those games are 'official' (games played outside of my officiation will only get participation tickets for all players (depending on the game) and they will be more likely to be interrupted by shenanigans.
Here's the important bit, the list of games for the room. Of course I will have my toolbox, which has a number of small games in it (including Werewolf, which has a separate event scheduled, run by another officiant). I will also be bringing:
Catan plus 5-6 expansion
Carcassonne plus various expansions
Dominion plus various expansions
Vegas Showdown
Small World
Puerto Rico
Ticket to Ride with various boards
Nexus Ops
Power Grid
Small World
I'll have room for a couple more games in my games tote, so take a look at my extensive collection, and let me know if you have a request. (I haven't updated that list since last EPIC, so I'll try to add my new stuff sometime tonight.) If no one makes a request I'll pick a couple more on my own. Keep in mind that the games are selected on their teachability and time commitment, so I wont be bringing games like Dungeon Lords (too complex to teach quickly) or History of the World (way too long for EPIC).
Other notes
I thought I would have my new, sweet Catan board thing from the kickstarter, but, due to some manufacturing delays, it's not shipping until July, so that'll have to wait until next year.
My boardgames will be used for official games in the Little Norway room only. ICHQ's boardgame collection will follow special borrowing rules which Lincoln will detail for you.
The Gaint Catan set will be used for one official game with large teams (another thread will follow for that event sign up) but may also be available for pick-up games by request, if a staff member can be found to supervise.
No need to 'in' for any boardgames here. sign-up for individual play sessions will be handled at the event.
I'm looking forward to boardgaming with all of you again this year!
The games that go on in Little Norway will all be considered 'official' games, which basically means that they will be officiated, and players can earn extra prize table tickets for winning games. The games will also be considered 'teaching games', in that people will be encouraged to sit down for games that they've never played, and learn them on the way. Nearly every game we play in the boardgame room will have at least one new player in it, and that person(s) will be learning as we play. Please let CB (that's me) do the teaching and officiating of all games in the boardgame room. That's my primary job at the event; I will only be playing in the games if there happens to be extra room after all interested players sit down.
Of course, boardgames will be going on elsewhere as well. Every year of EPIC, it seems like more and more participants are bringing there own boardgames, and fitting in matches where/when they can. That's great, and I encourage it, but only the boardgame room is a teaching environment, and only those games are 'official' (games played outside of my officiation will only get participation tickets for all players (depending on the game) and they will be more likely to be interrupted by shenanigans.

Here's the important bit, the list of games for the room. Of course I will have my toolbox, which has a number of small games in it (including Werewolf, which has a separate event scheduled, run by another officiant). I will also be bringing:
Catan plus 5-6 expansion
Carcassonne plus various expansions
Dominion plus various expansions
Vegas Showdown
Small World
Puerto Rico
Ticket to Ride with various boards
Nexus Ops
Power Grid
Small World
I'll have room for a couple more games in my games tote, so take a look at my extensive collection, and let me know if you have a request. (I haven't updated that list since last EPIC, so I'll try to add my new stuff sometime tonight.) If no one makes a request I'll pick a couple more on my own. Keep in mind that the games are selected on their teachability and time commitment, so I wont be bringing games like Dungeon Lords (too complex to teach quickly) or History of the World (way too long for EPIC).
Other notes
I thought I would have my new, sweet Catan board thing from the kickstarter, but, due to some manufacturing delays, it's not shipping until July, so that'll have to wait until next year.
My boardgames will be used for official games in the Little Norway room only. ICHQ's boardgame collection will follow special borrowing rules which Lincoln will detail for you.
The Gaint Catan set will be used for one official game with large teams (another thread will follow for that event sign up) but may also be available for pick-up games by request, if a staff member can be found to supervise.

No need to 'in' for any boardgames here. sign-up for individual play sessions will be handled at the event.
I'm looking forward to boardgaming with all of you again this year!

1a. If you open the box, you are responsible for closing it with all the pieces and putting it back.
1b. If it stays open for a second round you're not in, you must hand off the responsibility to a current player.
2. Don't leave out games overnight.
I've added Cribbage and Pandemic to the list.
Also: I think I've got all my games on the BGG list now. It was clearly more than a year out of date. It took all stupid evening to get it current. (Admittedly, some of that time was spent enjoying some of my descriptions for the games that were already in the list. It's great that past-me can entertain now-me so thoroughly.)
And Dominion. ALL the Dominion.
looking forward to Dominion (of course), among other games
Slightly off subject, I plan to bring my copy of the latest Ascension expansion. I assume @cannonfodder and @HumerusMeg will be bringing their sets?