"Your app makes me fat"
OwnerDetroit Icrontian
Willpower and cognitive processing draw from the same pool of resources.This speaks to me in many ways. First, as a developer, it validates my philosophy of "more design decisions, less options." Second, as a consumer, it validates my decision to use Apple's "closed" ecosystem and the like. Troubleshooting tech is my destroyer of hobbies and free time. Third, it means the only way to do better is to make the pool bigger, which is why I practice martial arts. I've succeeded to an extent, but I still have a lot of work to do there.
Spend hours at work on a tricky design problem? You’re more likely to stop at Burger King on the drive home. Hold back from saying what you really think during one of those long-ass, painful meetings? You’ll struggle with the code you write later that day.
So if what they describe is similar to my own experience, it is probably a slippery slope. I think I am going to start every morning trying to catch that pool of resources dwindling prematurely and try to do something about it if it does -- exercise, take a nap, write, etc.
Thanks for sharing! This could prove to be really useful.
@Lincoln, out of curiosity what about martial arts makes the pool bigger? I'm wondering if I can increase my pool through another practice.