Recommended Mods

Some people have been asking for suggestions for various mods. We've had this thread before so lets get another going.
One of my favorite things about WoW is the ability to modify just about every part of the interface. If there is something you see and think 'Man, I wish X was more like Y' there is probably a mod that does it or a combination of mods that will get you close.
If you are new to the game, NONE OF THESE ARE REQUIRED. These are merely ease of life things. You can get through to max level, get into dungeons, PVP, and raid with absolutely no use of mods.
If you have questions about any of these mods, are looking for a mod to do something specific, or have suggestions for mods make poast here.
One of my favorite things about WoW is the ability to modify just about every part of the interface. If there is something you see and think 'Man, I wish X was more like Y' there is probably a mod that does it or a combination of mods that will get you close.
If you are new to the game, NONE OF THESE ARE REQUIRED. These are merely ease of life things. You can get through to max level, get into dungeons, PVP, and raid with absolutely no use of mods.
If you have questions about any of these mods, are looking for a mod to do something specific, or have suggestions for mods make poast here.
Dugi Questing Essentials -
Ark Inventory -
Bagnon -
Mapster -
Auction House
Auctioneer -
TradeSkillMaster (TSM) -
Combat Info
Recount -
Skada -
(The numbers between Skada and Recount are fairly different as they parse the combat log in different ways. I am starting to prefer Skada for some of its features, but recount is better at graphing and displaying the data it does collect.)
!!! Quartz -
Weak Auras 2 -
Tidy Plates -
OmniCC -
Bartender -
Scarp (Junk Seller) (Functionality can be acheived through Dugi QE if you decide to use that) -
Random Mount (make a macro that does /rmount and put that button on your bars somewhere to select a random mount you own that is appropriate for you to ride where you are) -
_NPCScan and _NPCScan.Overlay - &
-- Scans the area around you for rare mobs needed for various achievements and puts their spawn zones on the map, respectively. It's entertaining when you forget about it and are just meandering around questing when suddenly your screen is flashing and there are loud bells clanging (configurable
AutoRepair -
-- automatically repairs your gear upon talking with a smith ... for the lazy
Healbot -
-- For healers who want to totally easy mode it. Sets up your mouse to have specific actions when you click on the unit frame (like cast a certain heal with regular click on their picture, different spell with alt click, buff or whatever with shift click, etc). I went through entire raids only using the keyboard to move and buff between fights with this mod
Also, as if to negate my own threat, satrina buff frames is incredible. It allows you to have custom buff locations, sizes, and behaviors - Tired of pesky pallytanks BoPping your ass? Create a custom buff bar in the middle of the screen that displays BoP only, so you don't have to hunt for it to click it off!
...I guess you could macro it, too. Having said that, there are other sweet uses for sbf.