Icrontic World of Warcraft tales 2014

Figured we should keep a running commentary to create interest in participating; generally when a bunch of people talk about what's going on /what kind of fun they're having, others are enticed to join 
I've been leveling from scratch with @Fatcat and @Bhhammy and a couple of others; those who transferred/restored characters have been running older heroics and goofing around in dungeons, also leveling to 90.
@Charshie has been playing with the IC guild for the first time, and she brought along a friend last night (JD), so the guild is slowly starting to grow. The guild has dinged two levels since this reboot, and we're fast on our way to guild level 25.

I've been leveling from scratch with @Fatcat and @Bhhammy and a couple of others; those who transferred/restored characters have been running older heroics and goofing around in dungeons, also leveling to 90.
@Charshie has been playing with the IC guild for the first time, and she brought along a friend last night (JD), so the guild is slowly starting to grow. The guild has dinged two levels since this reboot, and we're fast on our way to guild level 25.
This time around I am starting fresh with a race and class I have never played, and exploring as much as possible. I spent two evenings alone (about 8 hours) exploring the pandaren starter island. Also did a couple dungeons, one of which I'm pretty sure I'd never done.
There is much of WoW I've never seen or done, and my intent is to enjoy the journey this time, not the destination.
One of the things that really strikes me about the different zones in WoW is the immediately recognizable and very distinct color palettes in each zone. The art team is incredible.
All of this while I'm having to multitask. Naturally, I'm lagging behind everyone else. Finally dinged 15 though, so I'll probably just do some LFG running and try to catch up to prime.
Two heroic Cataclysm dungeons later, I realized I wasn't even wearing my main armor... Just a holiday sweater.
But now there is the 200 mounts achieve for an armored dragon hawk. The eternal grind marches on!
Thought I'd drop a lil somethin'-somethin' to let you know how things are going.
For some reason, everybody in Halfhill decided to kite it up, and do the "Water, water everywhere" daily at the same time...
I'm back.
This is an alt of mine.
Hello from Warlords of Draenor.
I ran Thok with a PUG tonight.
We got Thok to 99 stacks, had him down to <1% health (2m) in PHASE 1, and then wiped due to bad positioning.
It was incredible.
Here's a screenshot at 95 stacks: