Raid - 1/19/2014

MyrmidonMyrmidon Baron von PuttenhamCalifornia Icrontian
Hydrar mentioned in mumble the other day that not a lot of folks have signed up for the raid this sunday - I just realized there's no post on the forums.

Go sign up!


  • FearmyblinkFearmyblink California Icrontian
    I do not yet have a character on KT (waiting to see whether the guild raids for real) but I'm available if it is a flex raid. I have a 510 Mage and a 501 Disc Priest I can go on. I'm most comfortable on my mage.
  • MyrmidonMyrmidon Baron von Puttenham California Icrontian
    Sorry, didn't see your response til just today.

    This is the second week we've been raiding... we're generally all in the Icrontic Mumble server or Ryder's alt mumble server. all times of the day. :D
  • HydrarHydrar Columbia, MD Icrontian
    Unfortunately I will not be able to raid tonight - at least not at 8 eastern. I might be able to get on for an hour later, however. Swamped with work and a huge meeting early tomorrow.

    You guys should still be able to handle Flex 2. I've done it before with a 525 ilvl group, and I think you're close to that.

    Sorry for the late notice...
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