Raiding week of 10 Feb
Columbia, MD Icrontian
I'm going to be setting up a Flex 1+ raid for Wednesday at 8:30pm eastern (6:30pm server).
If we start on time and run through it as fast as we did last week (about an hour), we should be able to get a couple of Flex 2 bosses in before quitting time. We can continue Flex 2-3 later in the week. I'd like for us to clear Flex 1 & 2, and start in on 3 if folks are available this week.
Several of us ran pug Flex raids this past week, and I know we picked up some strats from other groups.
If we start on time and run through it as fast as we did last week (about an hour), we should be able to get a couple of Flex 2 bosses in before quitting time. We can continue Flex 2-3 later in the week. I'd like for us to clear Flex 1 & 2, and start in on 3 if folks are available this week.
Several of us ran pug Flex raids this past week, and I know we picked up some strats from other groups.