Raid 4/27

MyrmidonMyrmidon Baron von PuttenhamCalifornia Icrontian

It looks like with ICTX happening, we will be out a lot of key members for Sunday. I would suggest we drop progression for this week and pick it back up next week. I'd really love to see an all-Icrontic flex 4 garrosh kill before we kick up to 10m.

Pug your flexes if you need the gear, pug your 10m if you haven't already, reconvene next week?



  • RyderRyder Kalamazoo, Mi Icrontian

    Sounds good to me.

  • HydrarHydrar Columbia, MD Icrontian

    Sure. I'd argue that any 10m team made up of our usual raiders could go 13/14 on normal.

  • MyrmidonMyrmidon Baron von Puttenham California Icrontian

    Probably. We'll definitely need to run/farm it for a while to get the gear to catch up a little bit more. Also, we still need three or so pugs to knock Garrosh flex down... I'd like to see that turn into all IC.

    Do we have a plan for rotating raid members during a progression 10m? Might be worth talking about before we get there. Let me know if I should whip something up.

  • HydrarHydrar Columbia, MD Icrontian

    Closer to the time we should see who needs what. Hydrar needs Sha. 17 10N Sha kills + 17 bonus rolls, and still no PPP trinket.

    Loxo needs Immerseus, Galakras, and Blackfuse.

  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian

    We need to assemble a Google forms spreadsheet that collects that information

  • MyrmidonMyrmidon Baron von Puttenham California Icrontian

    I can deal with it when it gets close. I was talking more like what method to choose which person goes if they both need to. With so many people half-geared right now, it can probably be as simple as taking turns, but when we hit heroics and everyone wants every boss... well, might be a bit tougher.

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