Raid 4/27
Baron von PuttenhamCalifornia Icrontian
It looks like with ICTX happening, we will be out a lot of key members for Sunday. I would suggest we drop progression for this week and pick it back up next week. I'd really love to see an all-Icrontic flex 4 garrosh kill before we kick up to 10m.
Pug your flexes if you need the gear, pug your 10m if you haven't already, reconvene next week?
Sounds good to me.
Sure. I'd argue that any 10m team made up of our usual raiders could go 13/14 on normal.
Probably. We'll definitely need to run/farm it for a while to get the gear to catch up a little bit more. Also, we still need three or so pugs to knock Garrosh flex down... I'd like to see that turn into all IC.
Do we have a plan for rotating raid members during a progression 10m? Might be worth talking about before we get there. Let me know if I should whip something up.
Closer to the time we should see who needs what. Hydrar needs Sha. 17 10N Sha kills + 17 bonus rolls, and still no PPP trinket.
Loxo needs Immerseus, Galakras, and Blackfuse.
We need to assemble a Google forms spreadsheet that collects that information
I can deal with it when it gets close. I was talking more like what method to choose which person goes if they both need to. With so many people half-geared right now, it can probably be as simple as taking turns, but when we hit heroics and everyone wants every boss... well, might be a bit tougher.