FS: Nexus 7 1st gen

I just picked up a Dell Venue 8 Pro, and in order to achieve spousal forgiveness for this act, I've decided it's time to sell my Nexus 7. It's a first gen Nexus 7 16GB model that has no scratches, and has always lived its life in a case. I'm including the case and even the original box.
$75 shipped.
I could definetly use this. PM me with PayPal details please.
I'm having difficulty sending a PM on this old iPhone. My email is my Icrontic username at gmail.com. I can ship as early as Monday, USPS Priority.
Payment has been sent.
Thanks! I'll be shipping it to you today. I'll PM you the tracking number once I mail it.
Item first-class. Superb delivery. Packaging was first-class. An immensely high-standard seller. Would buy again. A++!
Thanks, @Signal. For the record, @Signal is best buyer.
Enjoy the tablet!