Corel Draw Suite 12 is available
Geeky, in my own wayNaples, FL Icrontian
Yesterday, kinda quietly, Corel released Corel Draw Suite 12.
Official upgrade price is $179.99 plus shipping, price for those who never owned it or the other software that the upgrade will install after recognizing, get to pay $349.99 or whatever the market will bear. The new suite was deved for XP and 2000 use, and optimized through the beta process for XP especially.
This suite has bunch of things in it that folks who were not tight with Corel dev did not really expect, and some of the things are not in the product description.
Those of you heavy into use of graphics morphing from digital photos might want to know that soem of the Kai's Power Tools filters are built into this suite. It has a product with it that can gen Quicktime streams. It has a photo->drawing (vector) product in it. It has Corel draw 12 in it. The suite can work on Adobe files. It can generate HPGL output files (HPGL is basicly a subset that has been added to that can accept PostScript and print on HP printers, in essence HP's Graphics Language).
Just figured you folks who used Corel stuff would like to know that the thrust of the Venture Capitalists who are funding Corel is to keep core prodcuts under active dev, and that Corel Draw, the graphics suite, and Word Perfect Office are actively being developed still.
if you want to check out the full Corel Draw Graphics Suite for a month, there is a free trial dwonload available for it. It is a 30 day trial.
Corel is still at and the products page for Corel Draw Graphics Suite 12 has a TBYB (try before you buy) download link on it. I am downloading a copy now, will let you know what I think.
For those of you wondering about Word Perfect for Linux and such things, I probably will have news for you all later, in a week to 2 weeks. Corel is exploring rereleasing Word Perfect for Linux and I have been told that the product manager wants to know how much market there would be for such a thing and that the purse handlers(Venture Capitalists) want to know this. What I will be trying to do is get Corel to set up a feedback email box for those wanting to see a recent version of WPO or WP or Corel Draw ported to Linux. I could stick this in Linux area also if wanted, but so many here use BOTH Windows and Linux of our local Linux user population that I figured one Corel thread was anough for now.
Anyone who wants to beta-test the next Word Perfect Office suite PM me, I will give you the Beta Team email address at Corel. Application is by email, they(the beta team folks) are seeking beta testers actively for what will be Word Perfect Office 12 release.
John D-- Who started using Word Perfect when it was version 5 beta for DOS, and still uses it in Windows. I also have used Corel Draw since version 3 (and have version 8, 9, and 11 still). And they still work very well for many things I want to do and are cheaper than Photoshop. I have an inside view contact set of folks as to Corel things-- and I do not have a reseller status for Corel stuff, look at for a major US reseller if you want one.
Official upgrade price is $179.99 plus shipping, price for those who never owned it or the other software that the upgrade will install after recognizing, get to pay $349.99 or whatever the market will bear. The new suite was deved for XP and 2000 use, and optimized through the beta process for XP especially.
This suite has bunch of things in it that folks who were not tight with Corel dev did not really expect, and some of the things are not in the product description.
Those of you heavy into use of graphics morphing from digital photos might want to know that soem of the Kai's Power Tools filters are built into this suite. It has a product with it that can gen Quicktime streams. It has a photo->drawing (vector) product in it. It has Corel draw 12 in it. The suite can work on Adobe files. It can generate HPGL output files (HPGL is basicly a subset that has been added to that can accept PostScript and print on HP printers, in essence HP's Graphics Language).
Just figured you folks who used Corel stuff would like to know that the thrust of the Venture Capitalists who are funding Corel is to keep core prodcuts under active dev, and that Corel Draw, the graphics suite, and Word Perfect Office are actively being developed still.
if you want to check out the full Corel Draw Graphics Suite for a month, there is a free trial dwonload available for it. It is a 30 day trial.
Corel is still at and the products page for Corel Draw Graphics Suite 12 has a TBYB (try before you buy) download link on it. I am downloading a copy now, will let you know what I think.
For those of you wondering about Word Perfect for Linux and such things, I probably will have news for you all later, in a week to 2 weeks. Corel is exploring rereleasing Word Perfect for Linux and I have been told that the product manager wants to know how much market there would be for such a thing and that the purse handlers(Venture Capitalists) want to know this. What I will be trying to do is get Corel to set up a feedback email box for those wanting to see a recent version of WPO or WP or Corel Draw ported to Linux. I could stick this in Linux area also if wanted, but so many here use BOTH Windows and Linux of our local Linux user population that I figured one Corel thread was anough for now.
Anyone who wants to beta-test the next Word Perfect Office suite PM me, I will give you the Beta Team email address at Corel. Application is by email, they(the beta team folks) are seeking beta testers actively for what will be Word Perfect Office 12 release.
John D-- Who started using Word Perfect when it was version 5 beta for DOS, and still uses it in Windows. I also have used Corel Draw since version 3 (and have version 8, 9, and 11 still). And they still work very well for many things I want to do and are cheaper than Photoshop. I have an inside view contact set of folks as to Corel things-- and I do not have a reseller status for Corel stuff, look at for a major US reseller if you want one.