Heroics and farming content - raid plan for next few weeks (7/14/2014)

We're kind of in this transition point right now with our raid lockouts, and I figured I'd share my thoughts. I'd love any input or suggestion!
Right now my short term goals are:
1. To get everyone who's been raiding with us the Ahead of the Curve: Garrosh achievement.
2. To get everyone who's been raiding with us a couple shots at heirloom gear.
Long term goals are:
1. To transition into heroics
2. To keep progression on Sundays (as we've traditionally done in the past)
Trouble is, the long term and short term goals don't mesh well - if we start running heroics on Sundays, that leaves us just Monday to get Garrosh down, and nobody wants that. Farmin' Garry on sunday means we'd have to put heroics before Sunday, and I know our schedules don't mesh with that too much.
Furthermore, since we're losing my favorite beacon target (sniff), @Celsh will be tanking for us. Buuuut... we've gotta get her up to speed. However, other than her (and a couple gentlemen who were a little late to the party), we don't have TOO many people that need TONS of stuff from 10m... So there's not a ton of interest in gearup raids, that I know of. Supporting this conjecture is the note that @aalonz's flex raids have seen quite a drop in interest.
Taking all this into account, I propose that (for at least the next two weeks) we:
- Farm Garrosh on Sundays (7/20, 7/27)
- Reserve Thursday as EITHER a 10m normal gearup to get @Celsh's tank ready OR as a 10m + heroic scout, like we did last week.
This Thursday (7/17), @aalonz has already agreed to run a 10m gearup to assist in getting @celsh ready. I know Appalachian, @MikQuattro, and @Tushon are planning to be there to get some sweet lootz as well. Depending on how the gear swings, I wouldn't mind seeing 7/24 turn into another heroic scout night, or possibly just a break.
After these two weeks, I would suggest that we:
- Move our heroic progression to Sundays
- Keep Thursday open to acquire Sunday's lock (when our progression point moves further down the boss roster... say we knock heroics down up to galakras, rather than saving the lock, we would use Thursday to push through to galakras (10m or heroic) for gear's sake, then continue on Sunday where we left off)
Who are we losing?
Rob and Jimmy
I am up for farming, sorry about the last couple weeks.
II should also be available (as a general rule, not always) for Thursdays. I still have 4 pieces from various bosses I need.
I'm fine with Sundays. Usually ok with Thursdays (Wednesdays are better for me).
I think we need Loxo's DPS more than we need Hydrar's heals, so unless I'm asked otherwise, I'm going to play Loxo with Icrontic's schedule in mind. having said that... if we have enough strong DPS, I'd be happy to go Heals again.
My (admittedly novice) opinion - any group who can do 10N Garrosh can do at least 5/14 Heroic. The only difference is that Heroic seems to be all about personal responsibility and execution, whereas 10N stuff has lots of room for error. Norushen and Galakras seemed to be easiest of the first 5.
My biggest concern about heroics is that folks will show up expecting to be told the mechanics and what to do, resulting in a much steeper learning curve than needed. I don't want us to stall out on the first couple bosses... I strongly recommend that everyone spend 15 minutes watching relevant videos and/or reading strat guides. Goes along with the personal responsibility aspect of heroics. While it's not needed.. many people down these bosses just learning on the fly... it can't hurt.
I'd love to see Icrontic down Heroic Sha. What a crazy, fun fight. Rifts, Pac-Man other-world, pride commonly over 50 or even 75 (projections!). I expect a similar learning curve as to Normal. Plus heroic tier chests!
I'm in a transition also because I am a bit past doing LFR's, but I'm not strong enough to hang with you guys on Sundays, so I definitely am up for any gearing-up activities. Basically, I'm up for anything that you guys are willing to include me on and provided my wife won't leave me. Unless, of course, there are mounts involved, in which case I'm up for anything.
@MikQuattro we need to get you a Garrosh kill so you get a mount. Be around Sunday we'll get you in and on a wolf.
I'm not sure I would have put that so bluntly.
@Celsh I will be there.
Hey @MikQuattro
[jaw hits floor]
Wow.....had no idea such a thing existed....@Hydrar you just maxed out on cool points!!!!
Damn, I got a lot of spaces to fill........
We doing Garrosh tomorrow? Someone asked in MOTD. Last week didn't fare so well (lots of new folks) but we should have better experience/gear now.
I'm in
We will probably have to give people a few more weeks to gear up for heroic content, too, since we're losing tanks left and right.