You can even make flying machines with hover disks instead of wheels. You start out with three bays and three pre-built vehicles so you can get an idea of the balance of the vehicles, especially the flyers. Depending on the weight of your vehicle, it can be very easy to flip over and ruin your day.
The game mode only seems to be capture points with each teams base having one point with 4 levels to be captured. There are a couple different maps with different lanes with varying elevations.
You start out with infinite light armor blocks that you can build as small or as big of a monstrosity as you like. You attach a driver seat (required), some guns and/or satellites (both optional) and you are ready to roll. You can later unlock more advanced blocks, guns, shields and more on a skill tree.
The points used to buy blocks come very easily by playing the game and the only purchases that require the monetized points are cosmetics. The more you play, the beefier you can make your vehicle. You do have to repair your vehicle after each match (if you took any damage). I have yet to play a round where I did not get more than enough points to repair from the match. If you get some kills, assists, captures or do some damage then that multiplies your points.
The one con so far is for multiplayer groups. You start of with the ability to invite 2 other friends for a total of a 3 man squad. Going "premium" seems to be the only way to unlock another slot for a total of 4. While is a squad, the game will automatically put you into the same game with your squad members.
The game is in Steam Early Access so things might change and of coarse there is the possibility of the dreaded reset.
I would love to see what you guys can come up with and roll into battle with ya!
After creating what Jimmy dubbed a "plasma shotgun" of floating hover-death (7 tier1, 6 tier2, 3 tier 3) I've decided to try my hand at helium with some high altitude hit-and-run bombing.
I know I"m like a 14 year old, and I may have had some whiskey that night, but this has somehow become a VERY efficient vehicle. I present to you, EADC:
From the side, totally unassuming and low profile:
Ran a few rounds after I rebuilt my level 5 Plasma Tank. Couple notes:
There are chopper blades, skis and healing guns now.
They removed the end of round cost to rebuild your vehicle.
There is a Hero bonus now when you help your team by getting kills or capping the point. I believe this was a thing when we were playing before but it calculates separately now and is easier to understand.
Everyone gets a 5% bonus per premium player playing in the entire match, your team or not.
An announcer voice now announces what kind of vehicle is spotted by your radar. Telling you the type of weapon and movement (flyer, walker, etc.)
A sound is played when a player in the match is eliminated. Unfortunately it is the same sound whether it is your team or not. This is a bit annoying to me as the sound used is the same one that used to play only when you got a kill.
More info after playing for 4 hours last night...
You can make a little scout buggy
You can make a tank
You can even make flying machines with hover disks instead of wheels. You start out with three bays and three pre-built vehicles so you can get an idea of the balance of the vehicles, especially the flyers. Depending on the weight of your vehicle, it can be very easy to flip over and ruin your day.
The game mode only seems to be capture points with each teams base having one point with 4 levels to be captured. There are a couple different maps with different lanes with varying elevations.
You start out with infinite light armor blocks that you can build as small or as big of a monstrosity as you like. You attach a driver seat (required), some guns and/or satellites (both optional) and you are ready to roll. You can later unlock more advanced blocks, guns, shields and more on a skill tree.
The points used to buy blocks come very easily by playing the game and the only purchases that require the monetized points are cosmetics. The more you play, the beefier you can make your vehicle. You do have to repair your vehicle after each match (if you took any damage). I have yet to play a round where I did not get more than enough points to repair from the match. If you get some kills, assists, captures or do some damage then that multiplies your points.
The one con so far is for multiplayer groups. You start of with the ability to invite 2 other friends for a total of a 3 man squad. Going "premium" seems to be the only way to unlock another slot for a total of 4. While is a squad, the game will automatically put you into the same game with your squad members.
The game is in Steam Early Access so things might change and of coarse there is the possibility of the dreaded reset.
I would love to see what you guys can come up with and roll into battle with ya!
We've discovered friend names are case sensitive and the game seems to crash a lot for a few individuals.
SDNiGHTS ingame
Pew Pew with a scout buggy and scamper away seems to be my favorite tactic so far.
Do you want to build a Robot? Come on let's go and play.
This whole world really is a bore. There's so much here to slay!
Had a sweet run this AM over my coffee. This was the 3rd of 3 wins with no deaths, Tier 3.
After creating what Jimmy dubbed a "plasma shotgun" of floating hover-death (7 tier1, 6 tier2, 3 tier 3) I've decided to try my hand at helium with some high altitude hit-and-run bombing.
It's infuriating.
I know I"m like a 14 year old, and I may have had some whiskey that night, but this has somehow become a VERY efficient vehicle. I present to you, EADC:
From the side, totally unassuming and low profile:

From the top however, BEHOLD THE TRUTH!

Was going to say it looks like a hotrod from pic 1. Pic 2 definitely still holds that to be true, though - just in a difference sense.
@CannonFodder, @DontCallMeKelso and I, Team "go Right" happened to come up against a couple of players that seemed familiar...
Completely by random, we didn't even plan starting our rounds at the same time, we were matched up against @Thrax, @NiGHTS and @TiberiusLazarus.
Good times today Gentlemen. Thanks for the fun.
If you haven't used it already, 24hrs of Premium: PREMIUM-517845 (works)*
*from the steam library page with the news stuffs
installing now....
This game friggin rules. Ingame name: UPSWeezer
new registration code:
oh yeah, my name:
New 24hr premium code:PREMIUM-781123
Ok, how do I robots? E_N_Turnip
Code is only good until Aug 3rd so use it soon!
Tier 5 w/ Premium
I don't even
Code is expired even though it's not the 3rd yet.
Time to give this another shot soon. Install/update it so you are ready. Maybe Sunday or Monday night?
Linky: "Dawn of the Megabots" and a free day of premium.
Promo Code: MEGABOTS-607024
No details on how long this is good for so we should give it a shot soon.
This game has advanced A LOT since last August.
Ran a few rounds after I rebuilt my level 5 Plasma Tank. Couple notes:
There are chopper blades, skis and healing guns now.
They removed the end of round cost to rebuild your vehicle.
There is a Hero bonus now when you help your team by getting kills or capping the point. I believe this was a thing when we were playing before but it calculates separately now and is easier to understand.
Everyone gets a 5% bonus per premium player playing in the entire match, your team or not.
An announcer voice now announces what kind of vehicle is spotted by your radar. Telling you the type of weapon and movement (flyer, walker, etc.)
A sound is played when a player in the match is eliminated. Unfortunately it is the same sound whether it is your team or not. This is a bit annoying to me as the sound used is the same one that used to play only when you got a kill.
I've been playing this a bit - pretty good!! IGN: geeklimit
Two codes now:
They add: I have 2 days of premium
I can't figure out how to use these codes.
...but I finally got to T4 last night.
Hit escape, in that menu there is a "Enter Code" function
@TiberiusLazarus @cola and I have started a dual medic team in T6. Its a BLAST.
Boss battles can be pretty lucrative, here is my highest payout in recent memory:
Aw, snap!

Grats! I shall now have to go back to T6.