WoW: The De-Staleifying

Due to the loss of tanks, we will have to postpone heroic content.
In order to keep shit from going stale, some people have suggested we start the lock not right at garrosh, but back near thok or siegecrafter. This had the added bonus of getting us gear from back there, too, though only a few people need it.
I'm pretty okay with this. Are you?
(also I think I figured out the DC issue... it happens once per hour, at 14 minutes past the hour. Turns out my router's lease time was set to be exactly an hour, and my current lease is for 10:14:30. Interesting if true).
One hour lease is weird. Should be 1440 minutes for a home router.
I'd be interested to see an updated loot spreadsheet of who needs what from which boss, with our current crew.
I think we'd be able to roll over most of the first 13 bosses, but I don't like the idea of starting at the beginning. Starting at Malkorok might be better... but I think we could figure a more informed start point based on loot needs (hate to be so loot-centric, but gearing up quickly is the goal to avoid too much of a lull).
Link for gear spreadsheet from before
I already stated my agreement that starting a few bosses back, perhaps flex 4 bosses would provide progress both in gear and in mental state. I know that some of you are much better about pugging than others, and I've been in a bad state myself, but I think that's the best option for IC guild right now.
I still need 1 thing from as far back as the sha of pie, also the shamans. Malkorok would be my choice for starting.
From a loot perspective, it looks like only a few people need stuff for malk and spoils, and most people that need things get 'em from thok and onward.
However, malk and spoils are fun, quick fights which are good for getting momentum going. I'm down with starting there if you guys are.
So Thursday, our goal is to get to Nazgrim, then? Or would it be acceptable to knock down malkorok if we happen to get that far?
So we had our first crack at this last night, and it wasn't ... let's say it wasn't "glorious".
I think the biggest problem (besides low attendance, though we did end up with two really good pubs), is that everyone felt like it was an alt-gearup run instead of a regular raiding run. I felt like I was the only one there with my main. Because basically everyone was playing alts, it was like everyone was learning the fights all over again. There's nothing wrong with gearing up alts, but the point of this run was to build momentum and take a crack at Garrosh, making it more fun because we'd be one-shotting the raid bosses before him, and then coming into his fight with energy and momentum...
But that didn't happen at all because everybody was basically approaching this an alt gear run. So, we either need to commit to that, and say "hey, let's gear up alts", or bring your mains on Sunday for the raid.
That said, I agree with the rest of your sentiment. We had a hard time because of DPS in some spots [which probably helps get around issues when people make mistakes, which will generally happen] and more seriously, the gear check was happening with health pools, even with great heals. We have to strike a balance between keeping it relevant for people, e.g. those of you who have nothing to gain from 10N except Garrosh drops and those of us who need gear from lower bosses. Hard to do, I suppose.
I didn't think I'd be available, so I had Ryanfodder saved killing Garrosh.
Next time I will not do this.
(instantly add ~400k to health pool because disc priest OP)
This is in fact the correct answer - both Ryanfodder and myself were on alts because we did not expect to be available. Indeed, I originally had @aalonz running the raid. Considering that we haven't seen these bosses for a while, our raid makeup also consisted of pugs, and our healer team hasn't ever healed together before, this wasn't really an optimal attempt. Not that any of those things alone would be an issue, but altogether, yeah.
Of course... @CannonFodder and I were the ONLY ones on alts who really shouldn't have been. Don't worry, nobody approached it as a 'gear up the alts!' raid. We only took alts because we'd locked the mains... and we mentioned that we were droppable to bring in better people (granted, I know that's a hard thing to actually DO). I wouldn't fret at all about this particular run becoming the norm, this wasn't a pre-meditated situation.
Point made, but additional shop-talk below (I can never stop myself)
It's worth noting that, a significant number of wipes were not due to low gear issues. Your frustration, though warranted, may be misplaced - we had an hour to find pugs, trouble with trash, then one-shot nazgrim. On Malkorok, we had puddle misses because of a pug (a warlock, he bounced), then a messy dispel on phase 2, followed by an awful RNG dispel situation, and not until then did we have stam-pool troubles (which is alt-based). So at this point, easily an hour and a half, maybe two of wiping and trouble before reaching a problem with alts. As for spoils, there was more alt-trouble here - at least one stam-pool issue, and more than one DPS issue... but also personal responsibility troubles (fire, bombs, pheromones), bad flower RNG (poor @Tushon exploded), and general exhaustion (judging by a couple whispers from the parties who goofed after wipes). I would put far less than half of the wipes due to alt-itude.
tl;dr, don't fret, buddy.
Also agree.
I concur.