Raid attendance 8/3, 8/7, 8/10

I mentioned yesterday that I will be unavailable for raid this Sunday - @Aalonz is running that one.
Any chance I can get you to run 8/7 and 8/10? I'll be traveling to Oregon for a wedding starting Thursday afternoon and returning late Sunday, so I'll miss out.
Hopefully traffic'll be really good for Sunday and maybe I'll get home in time!
Welp. In lieu of finding a tank on oQueue, I brought my 517 Warrior. Heh.
Here's how it went down:
Immerseus: I accidentally pulled, got instagibbed, laid there dead while everybody else beat him. I got a ring and gloves.
Protectors: Tanked Rook, did okay, died about 30% of the way in. Laid there dead while everybody else beat them. I got an Int plate helmet that was, regardless that it was way off-spec, far better than the Timeless helm I was wearing. Int plate helm on my tank ahoy.
Norushen: Wiped in test realm. Rezzed. Tanked until 75% with 100% pride. Died, laid there dead while they cleaned up. No gear.
Sha of Pride: I deed it! Successfully tanked, beat him, got my tier chest.
New iLvl: 527.
Special thanks to @Celsh for her guidance and the rest of the team for their ridiculous patience. It was lulz.
Nice! Sorry I missed out. I came home from wine club thing at work and immediately passed out.
This is exactly the kind of recap I wanted to see.
Int plate on your warrior? HILARITY. AMR says go for it, eh?
AMR says go, I go
08/10 Summary
We got off to a bit of a slow start with Malk - an hour late to be exact; some of which was because there was Summer Shindig at ICHQ, my dad was talking into my ear and Church was downloading WoW on Kyle's computer so he could join us.
We had a couple of pubs, but after a handful of tries we downed Malk.
Onward to Spoils, which we one-shot.
Thok was next; it took several tries but we rallied in the end and got him down; when we did it was in record time.
Siegecrafter proved to be a bit of a challenge as we had people learning the belts. After many wipes, we eventually emerged triumphant and the final run was textbook.
We made it to Paragons and called it. Good night, we kept momentum despite tons of wipes (20?), and remained in good spirits. It was a lot of fun
I liked @CannonFodder 's comment: "If you see the pub's name, just run"
Excellent! I should be here for raids from this point on, hopefully life will be good and easy.
I'll admit it was fun playing again. Wish I could have finished the raid...
Once your flood is mitigated, come on back!