Operation; Ender Ender (Enderman XP Farm)

Been amin at getting an ender ender up and runnin for a while now. going to be goin with the DocM77 design for this one. Current;y I am at stage one, farm a crap ton of snow. This is because snow is cheap as well as enderman proof and can be farmed quickly. don'tt need donations as of yet, still need to plot out all I need, but this thing will be massive. One thing that would be appreciated right now would be stone shovels to expediate the snow farming however, snow farms just EAT shovels. Furthermore there is an enderman killing structure up, but it's just a platform, but use it if you wish untill the Ender Ender is functional.
Update: Ty Nate for the donation of the Diamond shovels, much thanks, many generous, wow
Update: need slime, lots of slime
Update: 50% complete, kill floor done, spawnning pads are next.
Sounds cool, but I'd still prefer to run around and beat the crap out of them in their natural habitat.
Update, Pad one well underway, some enderman fallage already in progress......
It's rainin endermen Hallelujah...
Notch bless Minecraft Nature, shes a single woman too?
Sweet, I took a trip out there not more than a week ago and only saw the landing pad.
What do you need to continue? Materials? Other players helping?
Let me know so we can get that bad boy spittin more XP and pearls then we will ever need!
Just off the top of my head, I can say for sure
Snow blocks (Farmable on site in the supply hut),
Pistons (Preferably sticky but I'll take what I can get),
Spawn floor one operational now I am installing the cage to keep the bastards contained while falling so they don't go everywhere. After that it will be ready to use (however I do have to add more before it is open so use at risk) What I really need is someone to keep the strays off my ass while building and clean out the bottom