Hacking and Guild Ranks.

Since another member of the guild has been hacked, I went through the whole guild list the other day and demoted some of the toons we haven't seen in quite awhile. If I demoted one of your alts by mistake, I apologize, just give a shout in game or re-promote your alt if you have the power to do so.
2 of that accounts toons were logged in simultaneously for over 5 hours as of 1pm eastern time. They cannot get/take anything from the guild bank so no worries, but it appears that the account is still compromised.
Just a heads up.
1% of the members control 99% of the guild ranks
Occupy Stormwind
If two of the same account are logged in it's a bug, even if they were hacked you can't be logged into 2 characters at once. More likely it has something to do with the couldn't log into game thing that was happening yesterday.
Edit: Also accounts usually get banned within an hour because they start spamming Stormwind; even when it needs to be occupied.
Isn't there a possibility that the 2 toons are now on separate accounts?
You can transfer toons to other accounts?
Who was hacked? Was it James?
James was on a lot today but no proof he was hacked. MoTD is posted in game.
when was the last time I logged in?
As far as I can tell, last Thursday night for Raid. I didn't look yesterday.
Nothing to worry about, nothing bad happened to the guild, I just wanted to let people know that some of the alts that had not logged within ~2 months may have been demoted. It just minimizes exposure.