Warlords of Draenor lore: Suggested Reading List

I've been really interested in catching up on the lore, and the World of Warcraft novels are actually shockingly well-written (well, the Christie Golden ones are, at any rate).
If you are interested in knowing more about the events in the Warlords of Draenor cinematic, I have a suggested reading list, in the order that I recommend. They're relatively short, but really good books. They also enhance your gameplay experience quite a bit... at least they have for me. I find that I now have a much deeper understanding of the lore and character motivations, which makes the game a lot more exciting to me.
1: Rise of the Horde: The book that sort of describes the "real" version of what happens in the cinematic. The various clans of orcs on Draenor come together to form a Horde and destroy a common foe... but why?
2: Lord of the Clans: A young orc is orphaned, discovered by humans, and raised to be a well-educated gladiator in order to further a dark plot against the Alliance... Until the orc discovers his true heritage...
3: The Shattering: The Alliance and Horde joined forces and successfully rid the world of the Scourge by defeating the mighty Lich King in Northrend. They return to their respective homes, but the fragile peace between them is shaken by a series of bizarre and tragic events, and even the very elements themselves begin to quail in terror of something dark on the horizon. Thrall, Warchief of the Horde, goes to investigate, only to discover something terrible is about to happen...
4: Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects: Thrall hands the mantle of Warchief over to young Garrosh Hellscream and fully embraces his role as shaman of the Earthen Ring. His new role is to heal the very world after the Cataclysm. Strangely, he is called away on a seemingly mundane mission in a faraway land by none other than the green dragon Aspect herself, Ysera, but there is something far more sinister afoot...
5: War Crimes: Garrosh Hellscream has been captured and is on trial in Pandaria for crimes against Azeroth. While things may seem cut and dry, both factions have their own motivations and goals for the outcome of the trial...
There is a new book that should help bridge the gap between SOO and