Raid summary 08/17

Icrontic had a fantastic guild run last night; we started at Spoils and just plowed our way through to Garrosh. There were 9 Icrontic members in the run (well, 8 if you don't count Aalonz) and one really good pub.
Spoils went fabulously: one-shot ahoy (and in record time, no less). We wiped on Thok once due to some bad RNG and slightly incorrect positioning, but rallied and smashed his face in during the second attempt. Siegecrafter gave us some struggles, but once we worked out the belts and some positioning issues, everything was smooth sailing.
From there, on to Paragons, which happened after the third attempt.
We went on to run at Garrosh about 14 times, but the important bit is that each time got better and better. Finally, we had him down to 2.4m health before we wiped. SO close.
A few people got some decent upgrades, but more importantly we solidified as a team and everyone agreed that we are ready to start tackling heroics. The morale was high yesterday, everybody had fun, and the group comp was effective and competent. It was a great time
As always, we are Icrontic: Alliance on Kel'Thuzad (which, by the way, from a lore standpoint, Kel'Thuzad was a major dick)
I love these.
I think the common denominator is lack of Tushon
You were there in spirit. Every time we wiped, we blamed it on Tushon... Except for that one time we blamed it on @Celsh... Except for the few times it was my fault... Except for the couple of times it was @Ryder's fault... Except for the few times it was @Myrmidon's fault...
Atheismo I need to find some free time in my life to get geared up and get on this with you folks. Anytime there is a chance to blame fail on @Tushon I'd love to be there. Of course, he'd only get the blame because he's probably helping me with something. So yeah...
WoD drops in November. We'll all be starting from scratch at 90, leveling to 100, and gearing for endgame content then. Good time to jump in, since we'll all be at square one.
I accept your blame as flowing water.