SoO Heroic: 08/21/2014

So what's up? We doing this? I am excite
@Aalonz @celsh @Myrmidon @CannonFodder @Hydrar @Ryder @rahnalH102 @Susurro ?
So what's up? We doing this? I am excite
@Aalonz @celsh @Myrmidon @CannonFodder @Hydrar @Ryder @rahnalH102 @Susurro ?
Invite's on the calendar, just turns out the healers suck at RSVPs. :P
Note to self - promote one of aalonz's alts to raider so he can see calendar events...
Do me a favor, guys. I want you to watch this video:
I don't like fatboss guides very much, but this way you can see all the shit happening. Assuming we wish to attempt Sha tonight, this will allow you to see some of the mechanics and the GENERAL strategy that I've kind of settled on.
Also bonus points if you run your character through AMR real quick and have flasks ready. I'm going to call for them early today.
Oh hey, my trip this weekend just got cancelled. If y'all need a dps, give me a call before you pug.
If you find yourself in need of bear I may have accidentally my account.
@TiberiusLazarus JIMMEH PLS.
Haha Pacman
I'm afraid of commitment. I'll never last in any relationships, and will die alone and forgotten. I won't accomplish much, and what I do accomplish will be trivial and fleeting. Such is the fate of a quiet, average boy whose last name holds no weight and puts him in the back of every alphabetical line to pick up the scraps, forever in the shadow of greater people.
.... Sorry everyone, I'm going to be too busy crying in the corner to make it.
Our first night went swimmingly. While we didn't down any bosses, we learned the most difficult mechanics of Protectors and nearly got them down. After we lost someone, we 9-manned it on normal and then took a crack at Heroic Norushen. After several attempts, we called it.
The new mechanics and potential for better loot have reignited some passions and we are ready to tackle these as a guild next week again
Sorry guys, my trip got un-canceled last-minute yesterday.
can't win 'em all, buddy.